Allo has released! Allo megathread.

Allo has released! Allo megathread.

Allo has released! Allo megathread.

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 09:41 PM PDT

Hiya everyone!

Let's keep the discussion about Allo in here. Please feel free to post links in this thread from any news source so we can all discuss it in here.


SMS IS (sorta) confirmed. SMS is handled via Google themselves (iPhone users will get a text from Google saying it's a message for you, while Android users will get a Google Play Services notification). This MAY indicate better implementation at a later date when RCS is fully prepared.

I'll be adding information as we go. Cheers, everyone!

submitted by /u/kumquat_juice
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The direction Google is heading in is frustrating as a consumer

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 08:49 AM PDT

Many of us are frustrated at the release of Allo and it got me thinking, I'm tired of Google. Their philosophy of throwing everything against the wall and seeing what sticks is infuriating. They kill apps that could be great (Google Wallet), or they just don't put 100% of their effort into them and then act confused on why they fail. Allo needed one thing to be successful and Google STILL didn't listen.

The Pixel phones seem to be focused on the average consumer, but they can't even make a messaging app that the average consumer wants to use in the first place. The rumored price point seems incredibly high for what the phones appear to offer and they can't even update their phones on time which brings me to my next point.

Google can't update their own phones reliably. Android N had months of beta testing and the rollout was still a trainwreck. Nexus 6 owners are angry and there are still massive battery-draining bugs in the final release. It takes the Android update system thats already in a poor state and makes it look even worse. Sure iOS10 had a bumpy start as well, but Apple has been fixing the issues consistently. Meanwhile Google is radio silent about the whole issue and has yet to fix any of the bugs that has plagued Android for years.

Finally, Google has appeared to completely have forgotten about Material Design. It's one the best looking design languages but they don't even follow their own damn guidelines 50% of the time. Look at the new Pixel Launcher. It looks convoluted and doesn't appear to match any other design Google has. Youtube seems to change its design every week so I'm not even sure what they are trying to accomplish. Then there's the Play icons (Doritos) that don't even come close to matching MD. I know it's just "guidelines" but the idea was to unify a design language on Android so that things were familiar from app to app, and that's just not the case.

I love Android, I really do but I'm just frustrated by Google's choices and they don't seem to have a clear vision of what they want Android to be. Apple actually knows the direction they want to take iOS, while providing amazing support to all of their devices. They makes dumb decisions also dont get me wrong, but I feel like they have less drawbacks than what Google is doing currently with Android right now. /rant

submitted by /u/Outbackroo
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Allo's Shortcomings Seriously Limit Adoption and Potential in a Competitive Market

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 12:40 PM PDT

SMS fallback is a technical limitation in Android due to fragmentation

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 11:36 AM PDT

The Pixel phones will be IP53 water resistant.

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 03:58 PM PDT

Why SMS Fallback isn't the holy grail you all perceive it to be.

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 12:17 PM PDT

SMS Fallback is possible on Android. It just won't work well on Android. (Even in the US)

It works well on IOS though. The reason it works on IOS is because:

  1. IOS has a large market share and every iPhone since the launch of iMessage 5 years ago has access to this.

  2. iMessage is forced integration where users don't have an option to use any SMS App.

  3. iMessage has the same advantage as SMS. It is universal for everyone with a phone number (Atleast in the US)

  4. iMessage is completely seamless. In the states, when you text/iMessage an IOS user, its guaranteed that the message will show up in their default messaging app, because everyone uses some combination of text/iMessage.

There is no possibility that the messages in the same conversation might be fragmented between messaging apps when switching from data to sms.

Now Android is much different. It won't work because:

  1. It isn't forced. Manufacturers can bundle any messaging app they want, and users can install/switch to any messaging app they want. Yes, Google can bundle Allo in every single phone there is, and have people register, but isn't the same.

  2. Lets say for a second that Allo has SMS Fallback, the holy grail of all non-whatsapp /r/android users who live in the states. Lets say I'm using it to contact Matias.

Lets say Matias also has Allo installed, but with the spirit of android, he likes to use insert other sms app more. Now when I'm talking with him on Allo, while hes on a data connection the messages are going to be normal.

Now lets say I lose data connection, and one of us has to go to sms. Allo then switches to SMS. The text conversation is going to look perfectly normal on my side, because its completely seamless. Now what every /r/android user screaming for SMS fallback is missing is the fact that on Matias's side, my SMS messages are now going to show up in insert sms app here, instead of Allo, completely ruining his conversation and experience.

You could say that you should be forced to use SMS when using Allo, but that ignores everyone on IOS.

Now it brings up another problem: You now are forced to reply on SMS if you don't have a data connection/plan. That doesn't help the fragmentation problem one bit. What about if you want to reach that guy? Do you start with SMS and then switch to Allo once you get data? Sure power users might do that, but do you expect the average consumer to do that? No they'll just stick to SMS and not use Allo ever again.

On iMessage its different. since everyone uses the same app. If I'm on an iPhone and I lose data, and switch to SMS, Matias on an Android device isn't going to notice a thing. If Matias uses a iDevice, hes still not going to notice a thing as his messages stiill stay in the same conversation, they'll just change color.

Now yes, Allo can include an 10 billion options detecting whether the other guy has it as default SMS and then making messages to him be either all Allo or all SMS, etc etc etc, but Google isn't exactly the company to put 10 billion confusing options into their apps either. It'll be just as confusing to even power users.

TL:DR. No, Allo having SMS Fallback isn't going to work as well as iMessage or even close, and Google knows this.

Person A has Allo, and has Allo as default SMS app. Person B has Allo, but uses FB Messenger as default SMS app. Everything looks/works fine for person A.

For person B, if they don't have a data connection, the SMS will show up in a DIFFERENT app for them. This is a very confusing and hard to deal with scenario for the layman, and one that they likely will not know how to deal with. Will they respond in the SMS app, moving the conversation out of Allo? This is very likely.

For more conversation on this, check out this link:

Common Questions:

Q: What if Allo didn't work at all without it being the default SMS app, the way Messenger is. If you want to use Allo, you can only use it to its full potential.

A: Yes, that would work for Android, but what about IOS? Google isn't going to limit 50% of their potential market. Now if IOS supported alternative SMS apps, yes your idea would definitely work. IOS also wouldn't support that because then Apple would destroy the seamlessness that makes iMessage work so well

Lets say all that happened, now Google needs to convince every IOS user who wants to use Allo to also abandon the seamlessness of iMessage for a completely new platform that no one uses

Q: The idea would be that the iOS imessage user would have a different experience than the Allo user. The same way the Android SMS user has a different experience than the iMessage user. Allo can be SMS default and both Allo messages and SMS would be on the same app. iOS imessage users would get the same green message like always.

A: What if said IOS user loses data connection? Where will my messages go?

  1. SMS into iMessage breaking the conversation into another app.

  2. Wait til this guy gets data back and into Allo. Now SMS fallback is completely useless for half the Allo userbase. I also won't be able to reach this guy in time.

  3. Just send every Allo message to an iPhone user into iMessage. That wouldn't work either because now Allo is completely and fucking useless on IOS

Q: Make Allo Android only, and make it so you have to select Allo as default SMS to even use Allo at all.

A: That would work, but do you think Google would ever do that? Sacrifice half their potential userbase for a risky iMessage competitor? Not to mention put every SMS app out of business.

Also this is Google, not Apple. Google doesn't force things down our throats.

Q: Nobody's forcing him to use one app. He can use both Facebook messenger, Hangouts, Allo, and whatsapp for all I care, but it's his own fault that his messaging life is so fragmented. If Allo had SMS, it would be my choice messenger because I don't want to have to manage more than one messaging app.

A: Why have this at all then? its just creating new problems that we don't have today just to kind of solve another problem.

Why force someone who is tech illiterate to have a worse experience, with messages appearing in different applications depending on his network status. Now hes just gonna move to apple.

Q: Insert normal use case where Allo sms fallback works perfectly.

A: Its the edge cases that make this such a problem to use.

Q: iPhone users can simply either use the app, and receive message from other Allo users through Allo as data connection allows, or not use it and get them in iMessage as standard text. I don't see a problem.

A: And we're back to our original problem of conversations separated in two separate apps without context

submitted by /u/darkknightxda
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Posted: 20 Sep 2016 08:34 PM PDT

Google Pixel Statue in Brooklyn? Seen in Brooklyn Bridge Park this morning, featuring Oct 4 release date

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 08:40 AM PDT

My friend saw this during his commute this morning. Neat ad showing the frame from the recent teaser vid.

submitted by /u/dolan313
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Allo is limited to being on 1 device.

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 01:30 AM PDT

Pixel Launcher and Android 7.1 Sneak Peek Part 2: The return of Launcher Shortcuts [APK Teardown]

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 05:04 PM PDT

Allo does not support SMS. It relays your SMS through Google servers.

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 09:47 PM PDT

The Google Allo team is answering questions on Product Hunt for anyone who wants to air their grievances.

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 08:41 AM PDT

Allo is officially released!

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 09:01 PM PDT

Is your Nexus 5X randomly rebooting after upgrading to Nougat? You may have to return it

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 12:19 PM PDT

Allo is not meant to do SMS. It is a Whatsapp competitor aimed at India and possibly Brazil. It is not an iMessage competitor. Hear me out.

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 05:34 AM PDT

Reasons for the hypothesis in the title -

  • Allo is essentially a Whatsapp clone with some extra tricks up its sleeve. I am in India and literally everyone with a smartphone has Whatsapp. Every. Single. Person. Google wants to emulate this success.
  • With 220mn unique smartphone users, India in 2016 surpassed the US as the second largest smartphone market in the world. And still only 30 percent of the population has a smartphone. Which means there is a huge untapped market which Google wants to reach.
  • The fact that Allo does SMS at all in any form is a bonus. This SMS relay strategy is very similar to the one used by the Hike messenger in India. The function of the relay SMS is to get the non-user to become a user. Google wants SMS to die. Also note that Allo's SMS notifications only work in United States, India, and Brazil.
  • The sticker packs are localized with some very Indian content (all of those sticker packs have Hindi names and there were a couple more in the list).
  • The pairing of the account with the phone number and the way Allo works from only one device at a time is exactly like whatsapp which has done very well in India and Brazil.
  • Google Assistant is supposed to be the killer feature which will distinguish it from Whatsapp (when it starts working without hiccups). No one in India gives a shit about privacy (well some probably do. But you know what I mean). They will gladly trade privacy for extra features.

I predict that Google will focus on getting feature parity with Whatsapp i.e. within about a month or two (or maybe three) we will see -

  • a web client which works similar to how
  • data backup
  • the ability to send videos and audio and voice chat (voice chat is already present)
  • GIFs are also coming soon according to Google assistant
  • And the big thing I think will be bots. Imo Google will open the platform to allow third party devs to build bots thus bringing WeChat like features to a whatsapp clone.

TL;DR: This subreddit with its mostly American and European subscribers are not the main target for this app (at least initially). India (and possibly Brazil) is the target market. Indians use Whatsapp. Hence Allo is like Whatsapp. Which is why Allo doesn't do SMS (yet).

PS: Of course this is all conjecture. I hope I'm proved right about my predictions. Don't sue me if I'm wrong. K thx bye.

Edit: Grammar
Edit 2: Downvotes? Really? -_- (When I wrote this the post was at 0 points and had been buried)

Edit 3: For people who think Whatsapp is the pinnacle of messengers and Assistant is just a gimmick, what do you think about this (setting aside the privacy concerns) -

submitted by /u/dhantana
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Best Answers of Allo's Google Assistant

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 05:03 AM PDT

Is it just me or out of all the messaging apps, FB Messenger feels like the full featured messaging app we've been wanting.

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 07:06 AM PDT

Video Calling. Phone Call via Wifi. Mass extensions for extra functionality. Excellent UI design.

submitted by /u/jdohgamer
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Huawei Honor 8 review—Huawei’s software sucks all joy out of this $400 device

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 05:32 AM PDT

#MadeByGoogle Ad in Germany

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 12:34 PM PDT

Pixel Launcher/Android 7.1 style icons now available in Action Launcher for all Android versions

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 06:20 PM PDT

Google abandoned its plan to launch a cool privacy feature with its new messaging app Allo

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 05:50 AM PDT

Bring back Hangouts merged conversations

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 10:19 PM PDT

Extremely disappointed that Allo does not have SMS support. @Google, please bring back merged conversations in Hangouts. It was a perfectly acceptable tool - I could have SMS, Hangouts, Google Voice all within one conversation thread...and the conversation could be carried across multiple devices from phone to tablet to desktop. Removing merged conversations (for a BS reason I might add) and then releasing Allo without SMS support was a huge slap in the face. Now I have Hangouts, Messenger, and Allo all installed on my phone (in addition to Line, Whatsapp, Wexhat) - WTF?!!?!!

submitted by /u/GeneValgene
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Google Allo Official Video

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 08:39 PM PDT

How Allo and Duo Want to Complicate Messaging by Fracturing the Market

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 03:16 PM PDT

Unpopular opinion on Allo

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 10:28 PM PDT

Everyone is calling Allo a failure because it has no SMS.

Why can't we all just join the rest of the world and stop using SMS? Most people are now exclusively using services like WhatsApp.

submitted by /u/Iauol
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Spotify's Notification is no longer black!

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 11:40 AM PDT

It actually fits in with the rest of Android now on version armV7. It has been like this for a couple of days, and I know that part of the community disliked the old notification.


I'm not too sure whether I like the change - the black background made it easy to differentiate between the controls and a normal notification.

So what does the rest of /r/Android think?

Edit: Looks like I'm special :D

submitted by /u/danster3
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