Weekly "anything goes" thread!

Weekly "anything goes" thread!

Weekly "anything goes" thread!

Posted: 09 Dec 2016 05:10 AM PST

Here's your chance to talk about whatever!

Although if you're thinking about getting feedback on an app, you should wait until tomorrow's App Feedback thread.

Remember that while you can talk about any topic, being a jerk is still not allowed.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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hey Devs, we made an Android Studio CheatSheet to increase productivity and reduce frustration during coding

Posted: 09 Dec 2016 07:21 AM PST

TIL about PercentRelativeLayout that supports percentage based dimensions and margins

Posted: 09 Dec 2016 03:11 PM PST

OkHttp is quietly retrying requests. Is your API ready? – Inloop

Posted: 09 Dec 2016 12:06 AM PST

Android Native vs React Native in 2 months

Posted: 09 Dec 2016 01:33 PM PST


I've received career progress proposal but have to write working app.

Technologies: -React Native and app working on both Android + iOS -Android Native in Java and app working just on Android

Deadline: 7 weeks, ~250 hours

My current knowledge: Intermediate Javascript, basics OOP, basics Node.js, basics React.js

To build: App that uses external API to render some images and text and uses native module to check phone localization with bluetooth.

I have to pick one of listed technologies, build an working app in 7 weeks (it has to be working, not just a prototype).

As Java is highly preferred the question is, is it possible to learn Android Development and enough Java to build such an app in 7 weeks? How about React Native then? as I'd have to implement native module anyway. But there is one more problem with React Native, as there is no official support for testing iOS apps on Windows, only option to test is to lanuch Mac OS in virtual box and use xcode? How good that solution is?

submitted by /u/Melcma
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Wrench: An open source Lua-scriptable PC tool for automating your Android Phone (I'm the author)

Posted: 09 Dec 2016 05:09 AM PST

Android Signature scheme v2

Posted: 09 Dec 2016 01:13 PM PST

Best game publisher that only require a percentage of the revenue?

Posted: 09 Dec 2016 05:22 AM PST

So in the past I've used a mobile game publisher for a few of my Google Play games. The games were of mediocre quality but I managed to get a Chinese Publisher to look at them anyways and they accepted.

One of the games they published got around 30,000 downloads, while another got around 20,000. However, we didn't do great in terms of revenue. Made around $150 in total.

To this day we can't even login to the place where we can see sales. I doubt they have gone up but also our skype contacts with this company have completely deserted us.

So now a few years later, I'm coming out this month with 2 single player games and 2 online/LAN games for Android, and I don't want to get screwed over again.

I do believe these games are fairly high quality and we spent a lot of time working on them throughout the year. We don't want them to go unnoticed on the hugely saturated Google Play market.

Does anyone know of any legitimate publishers that ask for a percentage of the revenue in return for App Store Optimization, high downloads, and good communication between publisher and developer?

submitted by /u/Fizzarina
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Need help taking decision about college

Posted: 09 Dec 2016 08:28 AM PST

I've completed 1st year in my college at computer science and engineering major, I learnt only C programming in the whole year that to by myself. My college is a below average kind of college and i don't see the value of attending anymore.

All i wan't to do is develop small android apps, where should i start ? (i know programming in c language only) What language should i learn? and what do you think of my decision of dropping out of college?

thanks for your advise..

submitted by /u/vApor_Tech
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Anyone have a MoPub custom native event adapter for MobFox?

Posted: 09 Dec 2016 11:45 AM PST


This is a long shot, but has anyone gone through the trouble of creating a MoPub custom native event adapter for MobFox, for native ads? I can see they have one for banners and interstitials, but not native ads.


submitted by /u/scottrc
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Awesome opensource reddit reader app made with ionic2/angular2 [x-post from r/angularjs]

Posted: 09 Dec 2016 07:13 AM PST

HOW-TO Android 7.1: App Shortcuts

Posted: 09 Dec 2016 10:02 AM PST

Handling Sign In/ Sign Up on non Latin keyboards

Posted: 09 Dec 2016 07:29 AM PST

I recently ran into a sign up form that couldn't be completed with a Russian keyboard because it was unable to recognize capital Cyrillic letters to fulfill one of the password requirements. I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge of how these forms are usually handled for languages with non Latin characters? Are users with Arabic, Cyrillic, or other keyboards often forced to set passwords outside of their native language?

submitted by /u/WaltKovacs
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[Video] MockWebServer - Certificate Pinning & HTTPS

Posted: 09 Dec 2016 07:15 AM PST

When Android first is the way to go

Posted: 09 Dec 2016 06:13 AM PST

Want to learn how to make an Android app? - How to Use MIT App Inventor to Make a Secret Notepad App for Android

Posted: 09 Dec 2016 07:33 AM PST

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