Weekly "anything goes" thread!

Weekly "anything goes" thread!

Weekly "anything goes" thread!

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 05:10 AM PST

Here's your chance to talk about whatever!

Although if you're thinking about getting feedback on an app, you should wait until tomorrow's App Feedback thread.

Remember that while you can talk about any topic, being a jerk is still not allowed.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Make your Android app look less shitty.

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 11:38 AM PST

Question on Using Public Web API's and Keys

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 07:54 PM PST

To use some published API's you need a 'key'. For example I recently had to register a company and app with Edmund's to get a key to access their API. The terms of service specified no more than 10 requests / second and 5000 / day.

If you wanted to make an app that gained thousands and thousands of users you would get well over 5k requests a day.

Also, it seems incorrect to hardcode a key into your app. When using these APIs is there a way to have each user get their own key 'behind the scenes'?

Or when making an app that interfaces to a keyed API, do I have to have some web service and database that just gets loaded with the Edmunds information and have the app access that web service?

I think I've got a gap in knowledge in the whole app -> api architecture. If you can provide information for me to read up on using an api that requires a key in a popular application that would be great.

submitted by /u/-colors
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XuanImageView features an auto-rotate-back-to-initial-state behavior that mimics Google Photo.

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 09:43 AM PST

Java in Android development

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 06:06 AM PST

I'm currently unemployed junior Android developer with some short experience (6 months) and with some basic Java skills.

Most companies, even for a junior developer position expect excelent Java knowledge,which I find little bit unrealistic. I've read Head First Java and half of the Thinking in Java book which I found little bit too easy and I decided to try myself in Effective Java which is maybe little bit above my level, but lot of people are suggesting it before all other books.

From your experience, what do you think, how strong my Java knowledge should be for a Junior Android developer position. Or, on what parts of Java should I focus most?

submitted by /u/hajduk1950
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SQLBrite server side?

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 10:34 PM PST

Are there any tools that lets my database push to my app instead of my app polling it? Like firebase but a relational database.

submitted by /u/Vinaybn
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Where is the link between Google's material Specification and Implementation?

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 01:29 PM PST

I'd like to make an Android app that uses all of Google's lovely material design principles, but I'm in that frustrating part of programming where I don't know how to google what I don't know.

Material.io has an awesome style guide and overview of all of the components, but doesn't have actual information on how to use any of it that I can find.

For example, if I want to use a nice, raised button from This page, I have to google until I find a stack overflow answer that tells me I'm supposed to include appcompat v7 and use:


Why isn't that information on the material.io page? Is there a page somewhere else that actually lists all of the Style options? Is there a way to add all of the material components to the Android Studio design palette's list of components?

Pages like this are frustratingly useless.

submitted by /u/amoliski
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Get Started With Retrofit 2 HTTP Client

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 10:05 PM PST

Introduction to Dependency Injection on Android (Dagger 2)

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 03:02 AM PST

Also, learning android dev.

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 04:59 PM PST

Started learning programming about 6 months ago on a tutorial program in my phone while I was at work. Started learning android dev two months ago. Making my own text game to start, learned an incredible about, doing average 2 hours per day.

If someone wants to learn android, make a text game from scratch, its harder than you think once you add all the functionalities.

submitted by /u/kimyungill
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Somebody tell me how to save and restore visibility values of a radio button using SharedPreferences?

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 04:49 PM PST

Also, as a side topic, I got banned from stack overflow for asking completly straightforward questions, which 9 times out of ten I ended up answering myself through online research. Im new to developing, but damn. That kinda rubbed me the wrong way.

Is there another similiar resource for programming help?

submitted by /u/kimyungill
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Need help choosing a iOS/Android cross platform sdk/tool for creating an app?

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 04:32 PM PST

This will be my first time developing an app and I am looking for a multi-platform tool so I don't have to develop two separate app for iOS and Android and also to reduce the maintenance and future support.

I have 7-8 years programming experience in C, C++, some Java and the app I am planning to write will have a basic interface like Uber or car-to-go where people sign up and use a service which will connect with a database on some server. The app will have a payment system though and it will need to be secure since the user's info will be stored in the app.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions?

submitted by /u/Zylonite134
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Sites that are actually worth paying for to get featured?

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 07:15 AM PST

Are there any app sites that are actually worth paying for to get featured? Where it would get users to download my app? This can be blogs, app review sites, anything really.

Also where can I buy cheap but effective US installs?


submitted by /u/bekommen
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Building Apps That Aren't Released To The Play Store

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 03:48 PM PST

Does anyone have any experience with this? I am working on building an app that I plan to sell directly to a company to be used for their operations. The app will never be on the Play Store.

What were your experiences like and did you have to do things differently as opposed to building apps to put them on the play store?

submitted by /u/Breezeways
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How do I avoid getting removed from the store by a competitor?

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 11:54 AM PST

I have decided to invest money and time to go after a big competitor. They have been in the store for years and have millions of downloads. Although they are successful their apps lack functionality. They have terrible UI and they are not updating their apps anymore.

My app will have the same functionality but with even more functionality and much better UI. How can I avoid being removed by their complaint? I have heard that they were successful removing small developers like me from the store with a TM infringement complaint. There are a couple of more similar apps in the store but they aren't removed.

The app is like an online comic book or manga reader. The comics are public domain (free of copyright or trademark. They are not the maker nor do they own the comics). How can they trademark a manga reader? They can't. If their app is called "Free Online Manga Reader" haw can they TM a name like that? Isn't it too generic? And if I call my apps name "Free Manga Reader" can they submit a TM to remove my app? If my app has the same functionality but is objectively better can they submit a TM complaint? I think no. (I have checked their app name is not trademarked)

TL;DR: Going after a competitor by improving their app greatly but still having the same functionality and probably a similar name. The name is generic like "Manga Reader". Can they take me down with a TM complaint? How can I avoid it?

To put it even more shortly: I want to make ruler app to measure stuff. What do I need to do to avoid getting removed by the competitor ruler app? (assume that there isn't many ruler apps in the store)

submitted by /u/bekommen
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Super simple guide to icon fonts (e.g. FontAwesome) support in Android

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 03:21 PM PST

You want an icon font in your app? Hell yeah you do! Hopefully this quick guide is useful to someone.

Step 1: Getting your font

You're gonna want a .ttf font from somewhere. I strongly recommend Fontello for reasons at the bottom of this post, but any .ttf works.

Step 2: Adding your font to your app

  • Add your font at src/main/assets/your_font.ttf.
  • Add your glyphs to your strings.xml. E.g. my play button becomes <string name="icon_play">&#xe800;</string>.
  • Add a new TextView extension that uses the font. Here's mine for reference.

Step 3: Using the font

  • Add a new textview, with your new component name (e.g. <...components.TextAwesome).
  • Set the text to one of your strings defined above.

You're done! (font) Awesome!

Reasons I'm in love with Fontello

  • Reduced filesize: Only include the glyphs you actually need, not hundreds. My font went from 150kb to 15kb.
  • Increased choice: Choose from many preloaded icon fonts, or add your own svgs.
  • Custom codes: Choose your own glyph code / name.

Note: I'm not a Fontello shill, just discovered it today and fell in love!

submitted by /u/JakeSteam
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Android mini app experience from online.

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 11:32 AM PST

I vaguely remember Google showing off a way to let mobile web users to jump into mini versions of the app, that run natively, and allow you to prompt users to download the full thing once they get deep enough.

Anyone know what this was called and where I can find docs on it?

submitted by /u/akvashi
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Tips to be better found and discovered on Google Play

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 03:47 AM PST

77 Android ListView Tutorial Part 1 | coursetro.com

Posted: 16 Dec 2016 08:18 AM PST

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