NSFW Weird text question: Chatting via SMS with a friend, about The Urban Dictionary and we were trading NSFW definitions. He consistently sees certain texts from me as "" when they contain particular words. Are US carriers censoring texts, or might it be some aspect of my Android phone?

NSFW Weird text question: Chatting via SMS with a friend, about The Urban Dictionary and we were trading NSFW definitions. He consistently sees certain texts from me as "<blank>" when they contain particular words. Are US carriers censoring texts, or might it be some aspect of my Android phone?

NSFW Weird text question: Chatting via SMS with a friend, about The Urban Dictionary and we were trading NSFW definitions. He consistently sees certain texts from me as "<blank>" when they contain particular words. Are US carriers censoring texts, or might it be some aspect of my Android phone?

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 08:38 AM PST

I'm using a Nexus5 Marshmallow stock on an ATT MVNO Consumer Cellular, text app is Messenger version 2.0.069. Friend is using a cheap LG dumb phone on Verizon. The words that appear to trigger this behavior are extremely offensive so I won't include them here. Just use your imagination.

submitted by /u/zleuth
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-138 attempts left when wiping a Note 3

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 01:08 PM PST

Hi Gang, I'm working with a Samsung Note 3 (Verizon) on 5.0 that has been encrypted.

This is a company phone and the user that sent it back said that he couldn't unlock his device with the password he set.

What should happen is that I type in the password incorrectly 10 times and the phone will wipe itself. What is happening is that incorrect passwords are adding up and so far i'm at -138 attempts at unlocking the phone. Has anyone seen this before?


I can't go into system recovery and wipe data/factory reset since the phone is still encrypted. I thought about trying to load a custom OS but that most likely won't work since the phone isn't in debugging mode.

My colleagues think I'm mad and should give up, they say "itsnotatoomer the phone is old and should be thrown against a wall" "who cares let the division pay for a new one" "Do you want some cake from the break room?" No I don't want any goddamn breakroom cake Diane, I want to fix this worthless phone.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

xxxooo itsnotatoomer

submitted by /u/itsnotatoomer
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How to bypass google verification?

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 10:10 AM PST

Purchased a phone of someone and seems they have done a hard reset on the phone now I need there Google account to actually use the phone.. Best way to bypass this??

submitted by /u/92tt12
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Receiving weird text messages from something that isn't a phone

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 11:17 AM PST


I've recieved 2 of these so far and haven't clicked on either of the links. Is this some new text exploit or something? It's making me pretty nervous.

I'm using a Galaxy S7 running on Android 6.0.1, on Bell Mobility.

submitted by /u/howintosucculents
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Is there a way to disable the screen overlay security "feature?"

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 07:52 AM PST

Note 5 owner here.

Now--this isn't a question about how to disable screen overlay apps, I already know how to do that.

However, it's SO ANNOYING to have to keep navigating to this stupid menu to keep turning the same screen overlays on and off and on and off again just to get past this security "feature". I get that it's supposed to make me and my phone safer, but it's doing the opposite by making me want to throw my phone into a wall.

Is there any way to get rid of it so it'll never ask me to turn an overlay off ever again? Alternatively, is there a way to set an exception for these 3 apps (messenger, Twilight, and swipepad) so it'll just ignore those?

submitted by /u/monkeyhihi
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(rant/question) Can't believe 'apps to sd' is not standard yet.

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 10:48 AM PST

My son received an Acer Iconia One 7 (B1-770-K651) for its 7th birthday and being a 7 year's old boy, all he does with it is playing games. Fast-forward 3 months, the tablet is (already) complaining there's not enough space left. I try to clean up a little but realize it needs a SD card.

Guess what? I can't move the apps to the card!

This infuriates me! It's not an old thing. They're still selling it! Granted it's not expensive (around 110$ CAN) but it's among the best rated in that price range. So definitely not a crapware device.

But why on earth would Acer prevent the use of the external card to store apps? The card's only use is for storing files. Who the hell takes so many (crappy) pictures that they need external storage?Music? Do people really STORE music on their tablet?

I'm pissed!!

Only solution I found so far was to root the thing and install a third party app (Apps2sd or something) but rooting's always risky, not sure I wan't to go that way.

Am I missing something or does this really not make sense to you guys either?

submitted by /u/6mon1
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Does anyone know of a video playing app that will let you listen to the audio on your phone with headphones plugged in while casting to the TV?

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 11:46 AM PST

I'm up at late hours while everyone else sleeps, and I cast to my Chromecast a lot to watch movies. I use the cast option that's apart of stock Android, and I play movies on MX player and cast it to my TV, but even if I plug headphones into my phone it still plays audio on the TV. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/C-4
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android and mac osx combo?

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 11:38 AM PST

i have a galaxy s6 and just bought a mac. are there free apps or downloads so i can sync things like imessage and calendar on my mac laptop? any recommendations?

submitted by /u/tmac2016
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Top left of my touch screen is phantom broken :(

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 11:16 AM PST

I have an Alcately One Touch Mini Idol (I know, but that's all I can afford). Anyways, the top left of the screen keeps trying to open the status/notification bar and constantly opens the Date & Time Settings since when it is pulled down it's located in the top left.

Is there any possible way to make the top left of my screen a dead zone for the touch screen?

submitted by /u/b1rdnest
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Droid Turbo suddenly went from all-day battery to five hours.

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 07:48 AM PST

I've had a Verizon Droid Turbo phone since roughly January 2015. It's had surprisingly good battery life this entire time, but for the last week or so the battery has been dying after roughly five hours.

The largest share of battery use is coming from normal Android processes (Android OS, Google App, Google Play Services), but that share is not much larger than what other apps are using, so it seems more like my battery capacity has decreased rather than these processes using more power than usual. I've uninstalled several apps that were high on the list for battery usage, but it hasn't made a difference.

One thing I've noticed is that the phone is hot (over 100 degrees Fahrenheit according to a battery app) even when idle.

Is there anything else I should look for as a culprit, and anything I should try (like maybe a factory reset)?

Edit: Also the battery continues to drain when plugged into a computer USB port, albeit more slowly. (The standard Droid Turbo fast-charger works fine)

submitted by /u/BackseatPhilosopher
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Automating airplane mode without root... So close? (Xpost to ProjectFi)

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 12:13 PM PST

So I've been on Fi for about 6 months now in a rural area. Pretty much everywhere I go I have signal which is better than I expected but despite that I still get dropped calls and/or the total inability to make calls in some areas. Seeing as I'm on WiFi 95% of the time I, like many others, would really like to turn off all cellular access and depend solely on Wi-Fi when I have it. Unfortunately Tasker and the like can only toggle cellular access or airplane mode when you are rooted.

I have the new pixel and I really do not want to root it. All day yesterday I tried to figure out a way I can toggle airplane mode automatically when I connect to a Wi-Fi connection (and off when I lose WiFi connection). What if it can trigger something else that can toggle those settings without root? So I came up with this idea with automateit which is my favorite automation app so far.


Google now/assistant can toggle these settings by saying or by typing "turn on/off airplane mode", so I've created a trigger that searches this phrase automatically when I enter or exit WiFi respectively. However for some reason it doesn't actually go through with the action. The search term will automatically pop up in the Google search window but setting itself doesn't trigger. If I click search again after it pops up it actually works.


So you can see that the trigger works to actually get this far but it just doesn't flip the switch. Does anyone know why? Again, when I hit the magnifying glass to execute the search again in that same window it works but for some reason the automation side just doesn't cause it to flip the switch. I had thought I'd found a workaround but perhaps I haven't, but this is my first time ever working with automation at this level and I could be missing something. Alternatively I wondered if it was possible to trigger a text to be sent to the assistant via Allo to turn on or off airplane mode but I can't seem to find a way to automatically send any text that isn't SMS.

I really appreciate your help!

Edit: nevermind the assistant can't toggle airplane mode. The divide between the assistant and voice command abilities is so baffling.

submitted by /u/spatial_eddy
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Busybox keeps uninstalling from xbin

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 01:18 PM PST

After I installed busybox and installed it I get the "congratulations it seems that busybox is successfully installed" notification. However, after a while it appears that busybox is not installed anymore. I reinstalled it and I get the same message, but the same issue appears. I tried to uninstall it and reinstall it, but every time after I've been using my phone it shows that busybox need to be reinstalled again. Anyone has an idea how to solve this issue? Any help is appreciated.

I'm running CM14.1 on OnePlus 3

submitted by /u/CidAndroid
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Is there a way to skip tracks by tapping on my phone a few times from outside my jeans-pocket?

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 09:27 AM PST

As the title says - I am listening to a lot of spotify playlists on shuffle and don't want to take my phone out everytime I am in a car, or generally in a seated position.

Is this a wierd question? No idea - I just wanted to know if this is possible.

Right now I have a S4, but I will get the HTC 10 for christmas

submitted by /u/Intcleastw0od
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Help with my first smart phone.

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 02:32 AM PST

Yesterday I got my first smart phone, and it's basically the first time I've used one. Now, I'm not an idiot, but I'm an idiot, and it's taking a while to figure things out.

It's a Lenovo (motorola) Moto E (3rd Gen) (2016). With Marshmallow 6.0.

Getting an app? There's a gazillion of them that does the same thing.
I spent a lot of time trying to get rid of the Google Search Bar on the Homescreen. But after some hours I found out that there's different launchers?
I guess I'm on a Google launcher.

Good free, launcher? So I don't screw up my phone. Can I revert back easily if I screw up?

For PC I use no-script, uBlock, HTTPS Everywhere, and other add-ons in Firefox. Do I need something like it for Android? Basically, what's needed to be more secure.

Maybe some way to find the phone if I lose it?

I've installed one app that wanted to have all kinds of permissions, how bad is it to allow that? Not for that app, but in general, how bad can you screw up.

Anything else you could think of!

I guess I have to install maps and other stuff I need if I change launcher?

Can you make a backup of your phone system as it is? (I got a 16GB SD card). I do that on PC to revert to a version before I installed some software I didn't like or I want to "start over" from a version that's cleaner.

Thanks for helping a dinosaur!

submitted by /u/Misaria
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Any way to sync/share my Google Assistant shopping list across devices (i.e. mine and my wife's)??

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 12:50 PM PST

I know there are other apps, but would like to continue using the integrated solution

submitted by /u/Darknessborn
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[QUESTION] How do i increase my phone's bandwidth consumption?

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 03:46 PM PST

My first time posting here so if im somehow breaking any rules or if this kind of thread doesnt belong here please let me know.

So here is my case, my house has a 5mb internet connection (its really slow but thats what you get living on El Salvador) but my family is always using it for whatever they want whole day. Im tired of them using the damn tv or the ipad to put youtube videos for the kids because they suck all the fucking bandwidth and i can barely get messages on whatsapp. is there any way to prioritize my phone?

submitted by /u/BIackSaint
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Google Maps GPS Signal Lost... All the time

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 11:59 AM PST

I've had a Motorola Droid 4 running CM11 4.4.4 for almost two years now, and it's been pretty solid and reliable as my daily driver.

Starting a few updates of Google Maps ago (currently on 9.41.1 (#941101122)), I would be in the middle of Navigation while driving and I would get "GPS Signal Lost"

I could be in the middle of a road driving straight ahead without having made any turns, and it would just drop out. I've tried uninstalling the app and reinstalling, clearing cache, and reinstalling, and the problem still presents.

One weird thing that has happened that I've noticed is that when it drops out, I can sometimes drag around the map and I'll see my actual location, but in a ghost form(?). In this screenshot, it lost me getting off the highway, but I dragged it around after I was on a street and I was being tracked just fine.

Does anybody know what this is indicative of? Is there any solution?

submitted by /u/joefuf
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paying for a purchase using both a credit card and existing google play store credit?

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 03:43 PM PST

hello, i was just wondering, is therea way for me to make a purchase on the google playstore that uses both my google play store credit and a debit card.

i ask because i got about 5 dollars of google playstore credit and i'd like to purchase a 7 dollar item, so i was wondering if the first 5 dollars can go out of my google playstore credit while the remaining 2 dollars is charged to the credit card?

submitted by /u/Ruckeysquad
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Need Help with "Do Not Disturb"-Mode

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 11:40 AM PST

Hi /r/AndroidQuestions,

So I was having this problem for a long time, but today I missed 3 calls because of it and finally decided to do something about it:

The Do not Disturb Mode.

First I tried to do it without a guide, but I soon realized I could not, when I found out that my OnePlus One is missing something crucial:

Looks like this (Screenshot)

There is no options for "Total Silence", "Alarms Only" "Priority Only" and the "For X hour/s" bar is missing.

(Should look like this)

Here's is my "About phone":

Why can't I use the feature on my cellphone?

Any help is much appreciated!! :)

submitted by /u/userr3
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Trusted location unlock problem

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 03:24 PM PST

i have setup trusted location at home - even though i am at home, the phone keeps locking and i have to re-enter my passcode. is that supposed to happen? i would have assumed it should stay unlocked all the time, whether i set my phone down or not.

submitted by /u/dmn002
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Moto G4 is stuck in boot loop and accessing boot menu to do factory reset doesn't work

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 03:20 PM PST

so my moto g4 is stuck in a boot loop and i can't even use the boot menu to reset it to send it back in to manufacturer. any alternative methods for performing a factory reset?

submitted by /u/Ben_cc22
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What do you use to set persistent alarms for a specific date?

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 03:10 PM PST

Hello /r/androidquestions! I'm looking for an app that allows for persistent alarms to be set for appointments in my calendar. The built-in notifications are too quiet for me or I don't look at my phone and end up missing important appointments (such as a 4am conference call).

I want to be able to set an alarm months in advance and have it go off until I tell it to stop. My old blackberry had this feature built in.

Does anyone know of any way to do this? Using an Axon 7 if this is relevant.

submitted by /u/TKnight
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Weird charger question

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 03:07 PM PST

I have a Nexus 6P and an Asus Zenpad s 8.0.

For some reason, the Zenpad will not charge from the 6P charger. Doesn't even recognize it's plugged in. Works with every other USB-C charger I have just fine. Also works fine being charged from the USB port on a computer or the ones on some of the outlets in my apartment.

I am assuming some proprietary quick-charge tech built into the 6P charger is confusing the zenpad, but I would think that would mean it still charge at some slower rate.

submitted by /u/TaylorHu
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I cant see someones text messages.

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 11:19 AM PST

Im part of a group message and when 1 person in particular sends me a message, my phone says it cannot download the message. Everyone else recieves this persons messages fine except me. Oddly enough when he sends pictures I can see those. To add more weirdness every time I text in this mms my phone says that the message could not be delivered, but everyone including the guy I cant see actually does get the message.

I have an Xperia z5, not bought through carrier. carrier is at&t. My friend has a galaxy s7, idk carrier. The mms has about 8 people in it.

Ive tried the "download settings for Internet and mms" a hundred times

submitted by /u/NewVirtue
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Phone constantly reboots?

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 11:16 AM PST

Okay so, this issue started on Monday morning. For background, I mess around with Android and have a decent-ish understanding of it, but I'd never modify my phone. I'd always play with my tablets because there wasn't as much risk, but I couldn't afford to lose or brick my phone so I never rooted or did too much tinkering. Also, before Monday, the only time my phone rebooted was when I either shook the battery loose (using a battery pack case) or if I hadn't restarted it in like a week (I usually turn my phone off every night)

I woke up Monday morning, turned on my phone, it booted up. I began to put in my password and it restarted. At this point I'm like, okay, whatever, let it do what it's going to do. It entered what I now know is download mode. I took the battery out (at the time I didn't know how to get out of dl mode) and restarted it. It worked fine, I was able to enter my password. It worked for all of ten minutes, then it restarted. I was told my cache partition was corrupt and that I'd have to do a factory reset. I didn't want to lose my data so I rebooted it and for some reason it let me load into the system just enough to back up my data.

I reset it from recovery mode and wiped the cache partition. Started to set up everything again, don't install any apps, and it continues to restart. This makes me think it's a core issue with the firmware on my phone. I decide to use ODIN to flash stock firmware. I did that, it let me in for about 6 hours, during which I was able to set up my google account and install a handful of apps (Apple Music, Telegram, Kik, Desmos) It restarted about twice last night but I was thinking it was a battery issue. I put a thin piece of paper between the base of the phone and the battery and it worked like a charm.

This morning I grabbed my phone, headed out of the house. I was doing very very light usage, I sent about 3 messages on Kik and tried to load Desmos. It froze, and restarted. (Every time it had froze before, it restarted) I just let it turn off instead of trying to use it. 2 hours later, I turned it on and decided to see what would happen with power use. I had Apple Music playing, the brightness as high as possible, browsed reddit, googled a lot of stuff, texting a good number of people, and it didn't crash at all. The only time it crashed is when I was trying to add an account to my phone to use Youtube. I got a notification that DCManager had crashed.

Checking my logs are confusing at best. Booting into recovery mode I get the "dm-verity verification failed" notification in red letters every time.

Stats: T Mobile, 32 GB Note 4, 32 GB SD card, about two ish years old.

Any help would be so, so appreciated, I need my phone in working order so that I can finish my class on time along with coordination with my family who is coming down this weekend so this is definitely an emergency.

Thanks to anyone who helps!

submitted by /u/LexusBrianna_
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Thanks for reading my news about NSFW Weird text question: Chatting via SMS with a friend, about The Urban Dictionary and we were trading NSFW definitions. He consistently sees certain texts from me as "" when they contain particular words. Are US carriers censoring texts, or might it be some aspect of my Android phone? at my blog Custom Droid Rom if you want too share this article, please put the resource, and if you think this article is very usefully dont forget to bookmark this site with CTRL + D on your keyboard to web browser.

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