Android Studio 2.2.3 is now Available

Android Studio 2.2.3 is now Available

Android Studio 2.2.3 is now Available

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 01:29 PM PST

Saving Data: Reducing the size of App Updates by 65%

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 12:38 PM PST

[360|AnDev] Using Git Like a Pro: Master-Only Workflow, Branching Strategies, and Hacks

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 10:37 AM PST

What should be done when using GitHub libraries in my project?

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 06:41 PM PST

I am wanting to use multiple libraries from GitHub on my Android app but I want to change multiple things in these libraries. When I create the files for the library, how do I give credit to the original creator, where do I place the original license and where should I list changes made to the files/library?

submitted by /u/alexizh
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Forget Architectures (MVC,MVP,Clean..etc ) , What Principle(s) do you think is Working for You?

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 08:52 AM PST

Modularity , Parallel (Asynchronous) , Reactiveness , Offline , Testability , Low Method Counts , Ease of Coding , Readability of Code and How are you adapting these factors to Your App Architecture.

submitted by /u/y2k2r2d2
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Android version distribution history over last 5 years

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 08:19 AM PST

What are the biggest problems you guys faced in your Programing/Development carriers?

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 05:56 AM PST

Hola Reddit, I have been an app developer for the last 4 months. I must say in this period of times I faced more lows and loses than wins and accomplishments. For a small developer like me it's hard to compete with big name developers and their teams. I had problems from app crashes, flags to getting a lot of bad reviews. Its obvious that I am still learning how things work. Want to have a take on this from people that have more experience. What were the problems you guys faced and what problems are you still facing? Thanks to anyone that is going to replay :)

submitted by /u/denpex
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Is it possible to use clean architecture for apps like Cameras that are inherently tied to the platform?

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 07:38 AM PST

AFAIK, the whole point of clean architecture is separation of concerns, splitting business logic from framework concerns and the flow of data across each layer.

Say, what about an image editing app? Or a music player? Literally all the work you do is platform specific. Clean architecture doesn't seem to fit in. There isn't much 'data' to deal with in the first place. It's the same with any app that isn't 'content based'.

What if your business logic is inherently tied to platform specific stuff? Maybe it's the kind of apps I've worked on, but I can't imagine many examples where all your 'real work' can be pure java (no android). I can only think of one example, a simple straight forward app that reads from a REST API, caches stuff and shows it. I realize there's a lot of these out there today, but still this is only 'one kind' of app, how come clean architecture is so popular then? What am I missing?

submitted by /u/ulterior-motives
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Common Kotlin pitfalls?

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 11:55 AM PST

Are there any common Kotlin pitfalls I should be aware of?

I'm just starting with Kotlin, it seems great so far. For the more experienced Kotlin developers, is there anything that you would like to have known when you started using Kotlin?

I'd like to keep this about programming errors that beginners make when starting to use Kotlin over Java and not pitfalls in the sense of disadvantages compared to Java. Thanks!

First thing coming to my mind, when I previously had private static final constants, I would now use a companion object for the same behaviour (using ClassB.KEY_X in ClassA). Is this a bad approach?

submitted by /u/zackline
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Looking for a new book

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 06:53 PM PST

I am looking for recommendations for a book. I would prefer something that is more generally about programming. Right now I am trying to wrap my head around and to better understand MVP and Clean Architecture. I cannot really do any actual coding while I read, so I am trying to stay away from books where the primary purpose is building something while reading.

It doesn't have to be Android specific, or even Java specific, although that is my main language/platform.

I have already read the gang of four book on design patterns. But I would go for a more updated book on design patterns

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

submitted by /u/JibNinjas
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Android Studio 2.2.3 is now Available

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 02:23 PM PST

Anybody use Freeline? It's an alternative to Instant Run. How does it compare?

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 06:46 AM PST

Is there a workaround to using wrap_content in RecyclerView?

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 02:08 PM PST

So I'm developing a task manager application and I ran into a problem where if you remove an item with an animation on a recyclerview, the recyclerview doesn't animate it's size, rather it statically adjusts it's height. Here's an example I found on medium and Here's an example in my own application. Any advice to this issue?

submitted by /u/rhynoboy2009
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`Rxify` — Maintaining Order in Auto-Complete Search

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 05:52 AM PST

Hot-fixing bugs in a third-party library dependency

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 06:21 AM PST

Rendering Performance in Android - Overdraw

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 09:08 AM PST

How To Make Your Android Application Secured – UPTech Team

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 06:22 AM PST

How to publish an Android library: a mysterious conversation | Technology

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 05:16 AM PST

What information do I need to submit to the Google Play Store?

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 02:17 PM PST

Discover How To Add Real-Time Updates and Native Push Notifications Using Cordova

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 09:45 AM PST

Simple question about crafting a screen for data entry - not a simple answer though?

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 01:23 PM PST

Hi all! I have a simple question, although not sure what the best answer is.

I've been using Firebase for a lot of my apps. And I have employed a pattern of 'this screen will display this Firebase location'. That works pretty well, since when you do things like write to Firebase, your location listeners are automatically called and by putting your screen updating code in your location listener, the screen updates seamlessly.

However, now I'm trying to make a screen where the user will enter information and THEN hit the Save button. I don't need / want to write to Firebase until Save is clicked.

Let's say the fragment is this simple - it has an EditText and a Button. If you click the button, you'll see a DialogFragment / AlertDialog where you can select 1 of 4 fruits - Apple, Orange, Pear, Banana. To start, the Button showed the text 'No Fruit Selected'.

Now, if you select a fruit, I want the text of the Button to show the name of the selected fruit. I'm using a Button in a spinner-like manner for a few reasons, but let's say this Button is a hard requirement - no cheating with spinners.

So how do I retain the selected fruit on things like orientation changes? See, if your screen is simple enough (say just 2 EditText), you can call getText when the user clicks 'Save'. However, if you're taking in some more input and your screen state is a bit more complex. This is because a Button's text, for example, is not retained on orientation change.

So do you just keep a field in your Fragment like Fruit mSelectedFruit? And then retain this in onSaveInstanceState? Or do you still back the screen by some better data source - maybe a different Firebase location, or a SQL row, or something.

Firebase has definitely spoiled me, and I know there are similar patterns using things like subscribing to a SQL location through ContentObserver / SqlBrite. See, using Firebase, once the user selects a Fruit, I can just write to Firebase. Then my fragment's active location listener will get the new data and update the button text accordingly.

Thanks for any input. Maybe I'm just overthinking this and keeping a field with state is the best way to go for this screen, but it feels hacky when I have to manually call my 'updateUi' method once the fruit is selected in the DialogFragment and mSelectedFruit has a new value. I'd rather just write the value somewhere and somehow the screen be able to just listen for that content change instead.

There's other options too - like creating my own custom Button class that knows how to save it's own state on rotation. EditText is nice enough to save it's state for me, but this other control is not. If both controls managed to save their own state, I could construct all of my data simply when 'Save' is clicked, instead of worrying about retaining it and keeping my field 'in-sync' with what's actually the current state of the screen.

submitted by /u/achuinard
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Any suggestions on libraries welcome

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 01:15 PM PST

What would you say are the top libraries that I should know as a newcomer to android? Any direction would be welcome, thanks!

submitted by /u/dsotj
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First time as a free lancer

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 12:23 AM PST

Rant incoming. I feel like I see more and more negative posts about freelance work. Here's another.

Story: Took a class got better, wanted to try getting my foot in the door. Got "commissioned." At a buddies "start up," (first mistake, I know) with big dreams and ready to go.. Nothing comes in he pays me 500 or so because I'm not here to wait for work.. give more time, helping with odd projects, optimistic.. then im getting impatient, habing doubts, I write a proposal, charge way less than what the work was.. communicate what I'd like for doing the project by myself. I see people ask for 1/3 upfront and I'm now learning why. for we land the first mobile app sale.

First paycheck about half of what the third would be. Assuming it's and error he fixes it.. more doubts grow..

Now I've been working on it for about a month.. ask hey how much should I expect next pay period.. uhmmm tries explaining where he needed to put the money instead.. assures me big $$ is on the way. Same spheal as the previous month's.

Ask 2 more times. He dances around. I get upset and ask for the remainder because now I'm just feeling used. I know all of these things I did to myself by getting that same big $$ eye on the prize, it will be worth it in the end.

I may be completely wrong in my assumptions but it scares me that the boss is having such a hard task of figuring this out. Yes he does handle the money thru.. who cares. I hope I'm wrong, but either way, there are smarter, more stable jobs hiring. After I'm done with this charade, id be stupid to stay on.

Just irritating, and bitter because had I thought to put some sort of order form w it.. I would feel more secure. Should have known when he started praising cookie cutter app makers, that $ should be documented and communicated before beginning. Like duh. I feel stupid and need to rant. Hopefully someone else sees this and won't be so trusting.

Edit: So I was shorted like I thought, I asked.. what makes you think anyone is going to touch the app that he only budgeted 25% of the total to go towards the development of his product.. just blows my mind.. short the already shorted person who's in control of your customers app. See how well that goes for you. I'm dumfounded.

Lesson(s) have been learned.

Thanks for being an awesome community to be a part of.

submitted by /u/zethrowtf
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