Goat Simulator MMO Simulator v1.2.6 Apk
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Download APK | OBB: PArt1 PArt2 PArt3
Download APK | Single OBB
- Install Apk
- Copy ‘com.coffeestainstudios.goatsimulator.mmo’ Folder to sdcard/Android/obb
- Launch the Game

*** 40% Discount for a limited time only! ***
Coffee Stain Studios brings next-gen Goat MMO simulation to mobile devices. You no longer have to fantasize about being a simulated goat in a simulated MMO, your dreams have finally come true!
Features * Five different classes: Warrior, Rouge, Magician, Hunter and Microwave * Complete dozens of quests, level up a hundred times and play five different classes that’s a ton of content you do the math * Level cap is 101, 1 level higher than you-know-what * There are even elves and dwarves like in that movie * Stay a while and listen to Dumblebore the Grey in Twistram
Coffee Stain Studios brings next-gen Goat MMO simulation to mobile devices. You no longer have to fantasize about being a simulated goat in a simulated MMO, your dreams have finally come true!
Features * Five different classes: Warrior, Rouge, Magician, Hunter and Microwave * Complete dozens of quests, level up a hundred times and play five different classes that’s a ton of content you do the math * Level cap is 101, 1 level higher than you-know-what * There are even elves and dwarves like in that movie * Stay a while and listen to Dumblebore the Grey in Twistram
What's New
* Level select updated to include a NEW LEVEL added for owners of GoatZ.
* There are even zombies dressed up as other monsters. That’s gotta count for something?
* Bug fixes
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