How to port a custom rom exclusively for jellybean based device

​​The issue of porting a custom rom is no longer a new thing to some dude, infact you can do it not less than 2mims with your mobile device and get it flashing via cwm in your android.
However the common process of porting a custom rom differs for cyanogen rom since it requires a PC but I am not going into that now.
Porting a custom rom works like just copying some files and folder from stock rom to port rom.
This method of porting rom works only for android 4.2.2 jellybean based device. Make sure the ROM you are porting has the same chipset with yours. Example...
MTK6572-MTK6572 and not MTK6572-MTK6582.
Steps to port a flashable rom to your android.  
Extract both the stock ROM with the port ROM. I solemnly recommend you name it STOCK ROM(your device ROM) and PORT ROM(the ROM you want to port) in other not to get confused. Now if you are using root explorer open both the stock ROM and port ROM folder in TABS so that it can be easier.
Now.. Delete these folders From port ROM (the rom you wanted to port).
Delete "boot.img"
Open system/ delete 'usr' and 'vendor' folders.
Still in port Rom folder, Open 'system/etc" folder. Mark and delete folder and files;
Bluetooth folder,
firmware folder,
security folder,
wifi folder all together.
Delet files;
volf.fstab and vold.fstab.nand too.just too files there. Note this files down as well.
Now, navigate to 'system/lib' then delete the below files and folder.
folder "drm"
folder "hw"
folder "modules" and
folder "soundfx,"
then delete files;
Just delete those files.
We are almost there. Now, navigate to stock Folder. where your current ROM are being extracted. Copy the above files and folders and paste them to their respective locations.
In your stock ROM 'system/etc/permissions" copy the whole files in that location and paste them to port folder. in the same location. You should replace them as well. Copy "boot.img" too.
Open both stock and port folder; goto "meta-inf/com/google/android/updater-script"
Using File Xplorer, press and hold updater script until list of options pop up. There select open "Open with" then select "Text Editor". There you are on white page with some updater-scripts.
find this line;
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p3", "/system");
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p3", "/data");
Confirm the "mmcblk0p" digits of both "system" and "data". Then, replace them with the ones in Custom ROM. Although, the above step is not necessary in some CUSTOM ROMS. You wont need to change them if they dont exist in Custom ROMs.
After all the necessary changes, save and exist text editor. or just save. Then, Go back to PORT FOLDER... Mark all the folders and files.. including system, meta-inf, logo.bin and boot.img. Press option and zip. Put the new zip name and wait for it to be compressed.
You can also download the doc format of this step and save to your device in case you want to port a ROM later.
Thanks to for making the document version available.
Download link
Porting guide click to download here
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