Devs - This is a good way to get your app deleted.

Devs - This is a good way to get your app deleted.

Devs - This is a good way to get your app deleted.

Posted: 16 Sep 2016 12:36 PM PDT

Question: Google Dialer, why doesn't google allow Non nexus phones to install?

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 09:10 AM PDT

[DEV] Pro, Folders and more options now in Magnesium Launcher (100 promo codes inside)

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 04:41 AM PDT

Hey folks.

With the feedback from last week's post, it's been quite a busy week for Magnesium Launcher as I've added some new features and a reasonably-priced Pro option!

  • Android Nougat-style folders! You can drag and drop apps onto each other to create folders.
  • Background layer and app dock transparency settings.
  • Support for hidden apps. You can now hide apps that you don't want to see in your app drawer.
  • Weather refresh interval to determine how often you want the weather on the home feed to be refreshed.
  • Pull-down to refresh on the universal feed.

Magnesium Launcher is a different kind of launcher which features two screens, a universal feed and an app drawer. The universal feed shows items on your device including call logs, RSS feeds, text messages, emails and social media posts from accounts that you setup. The feed also lets you search every indexed item, including your contacts, device files and folders.

The launcher is ad-supported and available for download at

The Pro option removes ads, removes all limits, and unlocks all other features. I have also updated EU pricing for all in-app purchases to factor in VAT rates.

There are some known issues with the folder implementation, so be sure to check the Play Store listing for this. There will be several updates in the coming days and weeks so stay tuned!

I'm giving away 100 promo codes for Pro, and you can claim yours at I'll also be giving away promo codes randomly on Magnesium Launcher Google+ page so be sure to follow if you'd like to be notified when codes are posted.


submitted by /u/AureolinCorp
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What are some of the most beautiful material apps?

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 05:33 AM PDT

I was looking for apps that have implemented material design better than everything else including Google's implementation. I think that most apps don't realize the full potential of it and wanted to see some that do. An example is This doesn't really show anything but the way it uses depth and material absolutely gorgeous along with the animations.

submitted by /u/Divc09
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What is the most unbiased news feed app? With a nice dark widget?

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 08:49 AM PDT

I've been trying to set up a news feed widget that references google news. But none of them will cut out CNN, The Washington Post, Huffington Post.

I want a dark news widget in which I can select sites to ignore. So I don't have to see a dozen cover stories about how amazing Hillary is every time she faints.

From New York Times i got an actual news article about pepe the frog...

This shit is cringe worthy. Someone please tell me the most customizable news widget. I would love to be able to browse news on my home screen that isn't blatant propaganda.

submitted by /u/youdonotnome
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help me find an App - cleaning routines

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 10:35 AM PDT

So I'm looking for a very simple app to help me organize keeping my home clean. I've been having a tough time finding what I'm looking for. :(

This is what I want:

  • Being able to input and edit different chores/tasks manually
  • Being able to set recurring notifications (ie. "Washing Bedding" set to --> recur every 10 days. "Wash patio furniture" --> every 365 days)
  • Being able to view only "today's tasks" and check off when they are completed. The app would make "Wash bedding" show up 10 days after it was last checked off.
  • Being able to back-up/restore or sync my chores
  • Bonus points -- being able to postpone a task till tomorrow.

What I'm (really!) NOT looking for:

  • A big, complicated life-managing app
  • An app that is for communicating with multiple people (ie. families)
  • An app that syncs to my google calendars and schedules, throwing all other kinds of information at me.
  • An app that only picks recurring things based on the days of the week (ie. every Tuesday) -- This seems to be a common trend
  • An app that choses my chores for me

The "Clean House - chores schedule" app by is EXACTLY what I am looking for, except they have no option to backup/restore chores. After having issues with my phone, several reformats and a new phone later, I am so tired of having to re-enter my chores manually again and again. I've got like 40 or 50 of them over the span of a year! (I tried contacting them about this, and they didn't seem interested in making this improvement.)

I would be grateful for any suggestions!! Thank so much!!

submitted by /u/whostolemyusername
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Android Lolllipop - Clock app brokn?

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 05:55 AM PDT

My clock works but when I want to add an alarm it pops up the dettings and scren becomes white after 1 second and stays that way... weird. Any fixes???

submitted by /u/BrainYtje
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What the fuck is Snapchat doing with so much of my data behind my back?

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 05:35 AM PDT

Веst nаndrоіd арр?

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 07:57 AM PDT

As of now, Android Nougat has arrived. Does anybody use flashlight in 2016 ?

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 07:22 AM PDT

Does anybody use flashlight app in 2016 as android N (Nougat) and some marshmallow devices already has inbuilt flashlight.

submitted by /u/ashish2expert
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Why do productivity apps cost so much?

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 03:12 AM PDT


I was just wondering why apps like Nozbe, Todoist, Wunderist etc. cost so much? Monthly fees of 4-10, and yearly fees of 50-100. Im not saying theyre not worth it, just wondering why so much?


submitted by /u/Cherev
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Rip cloud magic

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 12:31 AM PDT

Been using them for 2+ years, apparently someone bought them and will be charging 49.99/year for features I get now.

Any alternatives that host all of my email clients in one spot?

submitted by /u/Dreamincolr
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[REQUEST]Looking for a medical diary/journal app.

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 06:18 AM PDT

I am looking for an app that can help me track the moments whenever I get weird body pains,itches,burning sensation etc. anywhere on the body.

submitted by /u/iamaguythrowaway
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Seriously? I barely used my phone today. And all but two of the apps it shows as being blocked are greenified. Is Adclear BSing me?

Posted: 16 Sep 2016 02:45 PM PDT

How to unlock applock without password in android

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 07:38 AM PDT

(Question) What apps have not yet being created but are needed

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 07:27 AM PDT

Everyday you here there is an app for everything but is it true. What apps do you think still need to be created.

submitted by /u/edimaudo
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an app for printing only the content of text Message?

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 03:36 AM PDT

My grandpa can't use MS or excel and he finds the message print app is so hard to read when it gets printed, he hopes to find an easier one to use,

So I just want to know if there's an app that can print the content only in table format (or not) and can have small formatting tools to enhance the letter,

thanks anyway,

submitted by /u/Persona-4
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Help with super slow samsung s7

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 02:39 AM PDT

Hi, I am typing from my laptop since it is just not possible to do it with my phone. I have no new apps installed in a while. My phone is super slow. Before I try a hard reset and to install all my apps again, is there any GOOD tuning app to fix this kind of issues. My phone is only 3 months old. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Short_Term_Account
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Kitchen blackboard app

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 01:48 AM PDT

I've been looking for a grocery list app that has a sort of 'kitchen blackboard' functionality. Basically I want to create a group, invite my family and have everyone be able to notify me if we ran out of something (e.g. Milk). I looked on the Play Store but the apps I tried didn't have this function. Any suggestion?

submitted by /u/CeeeeeJaaaaay
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Action Launcher 3 desktop icon side cut off. HELP

Posted: 16 Sep 2016 07:32 PM PDT

What setting do I need to change to stop it from cutting off the sides?

submitted by /u/Ad_X94
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[REQUEST] Twitter mobile site wrapper with multiple accounts support

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 01:18 AM PDT

Title. Appreciate your suggestions.

submitted by /u/mahdif62
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