Questions Thread - May 31, 2016

Questions Thread - May 31, 2016

Questions Thread - May 31, 2016

Posted: 31 May 2016 05:07 AM PDT

This thread is for simple questions that don't warrant their own thread (although we suggest checking the sidebar, the wiki, or Stack Overflow before posting). Examples of questions:

  • How do I pass data between my Activities?
  • Does anyone have a link to the source for the AOSP messaging app?
  • Is it possible to programmatically change the color of the status bar without targeting API 21?

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Jack, Jill & building Android apps by hand

Posted: 31 May 2016 10:18 AM PDT

I just got rejected for a Junior position at a top developer for a lack of senior coding skills. What does this mean?

Posted: 31 May 2016 09:46 AM PDT

So, first of all, I have been doing apps of my own for around 3 years, which is when I started learning Android, but I only have been a professional developer for the last ten months, since I finished my MSc last summer.

I am now looking to switch jobs and I saw their ad, so I decided to apply.

Unexpectedly, I got picked up for an interview, where they told me they were looking for senior junior people, and after that they gave me the typical assignment of "make a request, show the results in a filterable list", with a special focus on robust architecture and usage of some database framework. So I went ahead and wrote a clean-architecture app using RxJava and Dagger2, with DbFlow for the database. You can find the code at

Today, I got a response that they were "looking for more senior developers regarding the code". As of my understanding, currently Android architectures don't get much better unless you go with Anvil-Jedux. Does this mean that juniors are supposed to be at this level?

EDIT: first mention of senior changed to junior, as it should be

submitted by /u/stoyicker
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Android Material Themes Made Easy With AppCompat

Posted: 31 May 2016 09:49 AM PDT

Dynamically colorizing stock UI elements in Android is an easy way to brand an app without going the custom route. AppCompat elements support this theming out of the box (with backwards compatibility), and almost all of it can be done directly in XML without needing to tint drawables in code. I've written an example app showing how to take advantage of it on GitHub and my Company's site.

submitted by /u/Yo-Itz-Stevo
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[Found Library] Tikxml Modern XML Parser for Android build on top of okio and highly optimized for Retrofit2

Posted: 31 May 2016 01:37 PM PDT

Qualcomm trust zone master key keys extracted!!!

Posted: 31 May 2016 07:04 AM PDT

A Tale of Two ExifInterfaces - The CommonsBlog

Posted: 31 May 2016 11:38 AM PDT

How to begin contributing to open source projects?

Posted: 31 May 2016 06:44 PM PDT

Hey guys and gals. I've been working with Android for about 2 years, but have only ever worked on my own projects in basically a vacuum. I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on the best way to begin contributing to open source projects over GitHub. I'm not exceedingly confident in my abilities and would want to start off small to get used to the process of forking projects and submitting pull requests.

Anyway if someone could point me in the direction of some 'low hanging fruit' as it were, that would be much appreciated :)


submitted by /u/FerretStereo
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What are your most annoying development bugs?

Posted: 31 May 2016 03:39 PM PDT

Lots of annoyances in Android's development tools, what are yours?

Anything ever cost you more than an hour of frustration?

I'm sure multi-line commenting is a "FEATURE" rather than "bug", but... In my file I commented a line ending in \ only to have the gradle parser read the #...\ as a multi-line comment and then ignore my LOCAL_SRC_FILES line or something similarly important, and not throw any errors until runtime when Dalvik says it can't load the shared library. The empty shared library file output by gradle... go figure.

submitted by /u/zonezerocode
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CM Security is reporting a false virus on purpose.

Posted: 31 May 2016 06:36 AM PDT

Hi, I made an app two years ago which became quite populare. Some off the latest reviews tell me that CM Security flags it as malware. They made a complete ripp-off of mine and reporting my app as a virus to promote there own. Ceetah Mobile needs to be stopped.


Mine app:



EDIT: My rage has calmed and to be honest I do not care about losing customers, stupid enough to use such crapware, anymore.

submitted by /u/braindamagedd
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How many of you enjoy drinking while coding? What's your "creativity" drink? :)

Posted: 31 May 2016 03:20 PM PDT

Our "co-working space". lol.

I always find:

  • Coffee for productivity
  • Beer for creativity

Edit: This is an outdoor/open bar. Like 3 hours before it opens.

submitted by /u/jcbsera
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Best Interstitial Ad service / platform?

Posted: 31 May 2016 09:14 PM PDT

Hi Reddit,

I'm developing a screenshot app, and currently getting a lot of new users from Iran. My app is completely free for the first to days, afterwards you either have to pay or use it with ads. The problem is in Iran is admob, as well as buying products through Google play not available. What different ad services / platforms would you suggest that will work in Iran and provide a good income with Interstitial Ads? Thanks for your help!

submitted by /u/itmakessense
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Fragmented Ep 42: Google IO 2016 (Part 1)

Posted: 31 May 2016 06:57 AM PDT

Automatically increase the versionCode and generate a useful versionName using git

Posted: 31 May 2016 04:59 AM PDT

How do Play Store ratings affect how you work?

Posted: 31 May 2016 11:59 AM PDT

Bit of serious post. Being a new solo developer and my app is starting to gain some traction, I'm starting to feel the pressure of being a developer.

I constantly check the ratings and I'm happy when I get 4/5 stars and some decent and positive reviews. But when I get 1 stars for something absolutely ridiculous, it hurts. A guy gave me a 1 star rating because and I quote "It have ads". Reasons and ratings like this drops the ratings significantly and does make me want to stop supporting the free version of the app.

Things like people not reading the app description. I list the features available to the user if they upgrade and they leave low ratings and say that a feature is missing even though it's clearly stated in the description.

As the title suggests, how does it affect you? If it doesn't, any advice on dealing with things like this? I'm starting to feel a bit of pressure being a developer.

submitted by /u/nghw
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10 principles of successful app testing

Posted: 31 May 2016 02:37 AM PDT

Is mobile games hotter than mobile software in the market? Job opportunity wise. Mobile software vs mobile gaming. I love to hear from all of you.

Posted: 31 May 2016 08:58 PM PDT

Academic attached internship is coming up soon and i was told that your first intern job might lead you to where you want to be in the future, so i was given between two choice of course.

My 3 year course has only focused on mobile software hence i am not confident in mobile gaming but mobile gaming seem like just another choice i wish to gather insight and experience from. Also what's the lowest rank a developer starts from? Junior? I have mates going to intern and do stuff like software bug catching which is not i what i wish to get out of internship.

submitted by /u/theBronxkid
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RXJava + Firebase in a RecyclerView?

Posted: 31 May 2016 08:47 PM PDT

Hi, has anyone gotten this to work having the code run in a background thread? I ran into threading issues and it won't update when I tried... :(

submitted by /u/lawonga
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Co-Ops in android development?

Posted: 31 May 2016 08:42 PM PDT

Hi all,

I'm currently looking for a Co-Op position in Android development from January 2017 up to June 2017. I am a Junior CS major at Clemson with a minor in Chinese. I am interning with an organization developing language software for Android this summer. Most of my actual experience lies in Android Development and Unity but I am proficient other languages outside of just Java and C#. In school I've taken a C and C++ course, discrete, algorithms, data structures, and some software development seminars. Does anyone know of good companies to Co-Op with that might be hiring this spring? What can I do now or during my internship to help make myself more hire-able? Any advice is appreciated.

submitted by /u/SlyHeist
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Is anyone else seeing discrepancies in app version adoption rate?

Posted: 31 May 2016 12:04 PM PDT

To my best knowledge I support the same devices on every version of my app. I haven't changed the minimum SDK version I support, yet my app version adoption rate looks like this:


Where ~50% of the users are on the latest version, ~5% on the previous version, and ~20% on 10 versions ago! Did many user's stop using the app around 2.5.0? Or can something else be going on?

submitted by /u/crescentfresh921
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Gradle is giving me hell

Posted: 31 May 2016 03:29 AM PDT I the only one who have been having problems with Gradle since Android Studio 2.0? Once in a while it just gets stuck at building, and during that it heats up my laptop as crazy. It goes on, and on, and on(I've waited for 8 minutes until I've become concerned my laptop will take off, since the sound it was making was akin to that of an airplane)...but once you restart Android Studio, it compiles everything will little to no problems. What is it? Did anyone else encountered it?

submitted by /u/FragranceOfPickles
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Three Part Series on Creating Platform Games With Unity Includes Code + Assets (Link to Part One)

Posted: 31 May 2016 07:23 AM PDT

Which firebase features are you using in your production app?

Posted: 31 May 2016 03:23 PM PDT

I'm currently just using analytics but plan to add notifications, config and app invites soon. Just wanted to know how your experiences have been.

submitted by /u/droidstar
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"There are no good guys in this one" ~ James Gosling on Leo Laporte re Oracle vs Google

Posted: 31 May 2016 08:14 AM PDT

Started looking into UI Desgin, need some tips, have some questions.

Posted: 31 May 2016 03:02 PM PDT

Hey there,

i have been working on developing some apps, but so far i used basic layouts, just drag and drop textviews and labels, apps that i made so far didnt require much more than that.

Now that i have a project that requires a well-made design, themed buttons, animations, etc im stuck.

I made a mockup on photoshop and it looks like i want, but i find so hard to do the same on the layouts on android studio.. What is the best way ? I saw some tools to export PSD to android .xml, is this normally used ?

I saw assests mentioned a lot of times too, but didnt got the concept of it yet.

Thanks a lot !

submitted by /u/Duarte777
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The easy asynchronous library for Kotlin. With extensions for Android, RxJava, JavaFX and much more.

Posted: 31 May 2016 04:27 AM PDT

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