Nih Sobat Modder, yang pada mau mainan games android di PC, A-Mod kasih tau caranya. Sobat bisa mainan atau bahkan menjalankan aplikasi Android di PC/Laptop Sobat enggunakan Aplikasi bernama BlueStacks. Kali ini A-Mod akan mebagikan BlueStacks Android versi Kitkat dan sudah ter-rooted. Monggoh sobat perhatikan requirements nya di bawah, serta link downloadnya.
# System Requirements #
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 (32-bit, 64-bit)
RAM: 2 GB (with less installer throws an error)
HDD: 500 MB (for the program)
For optimum performance, it is highly desirable BlueStacks to update your graphics card drivers
More Info :
Download New Build
aplikasi yang bisa buat konfigurasi BlueStacks Sobat seperti:
- the size of windows, RAM, IMEI, AndroidID, shared folders, the model,
- you can delete all data and create new partitions of any size,
- change the startup type of services.
- the ability to work in multiple profiles
- Xposed Installer
Modded by: Anatoly Jacobs
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