Modern Combat 5 eSports FPS MOD APK is a latest flagship of biggest Action FPS franchise Gameloft. After a huge success of MC4 gameloft continues to amaze us with rich story telling and breathtaking visuals and graphics in this intense action FPS online MC5 MOD APK. You can not play this game Offline at all. Its a first game in the MC Series which is an online game. Continues updates making this game more visible to its premium users than the normal users. how far will it go only time will answer it.

Modern Combat 5 eSports FPS MOD APK 2.3.0g

Modern combat 5 is a FPS Shooter for Android. and a latest flagship from the series modern combat. MC5 is an origin of simulated violence short bursts a brutal and moral slaying set to a soundtrack bombastic Zim arrest strings and the metallic true love shell casings on concrete, it is startled face switching between urban shoot-outs gunship massacres sniper challenge is and aquatic escapes with the excitement of an impatient child opening Christmas presents the controls on a familiar mixed bag of accommodation and compromised by the continuing refinement in the virtual stick system over the course of the series can be felt still easy to accidentally opened fire or cook a grenade when you simply meant to turn your head however bringing up the I insights to zero in for head shots not only nets you double xp but is also reliably satisfying the enemy AI is that that’s months but your accuracy is rewarded with arterial xps. and slumping rag dolls this time around the six chapter story campaign has been padded by spec op missions micro challenges which involved reaching rooms or deleting a single target all of which must be completed before advancing to the next location on the map the necessity to jump through these incidental peeps before moving to a new location. online stipulation even playing in a location with a strong wifi connection you may find a gun play put on hiatus gameloft servers, something which becomes an even greater problem if you’re playing on the move now and then pretty lost contact with multi-player returns with a selection up decently sized maps and modes including team battles capture the flag and the classic free-for-all party play for up to five friends is supported and with experience points. , carrying over into the single player campaign there’s even more incentive to get stuck in the game of keeps the action moving with chapters now divided into even smaller sup missions. Modern Combat 5 is probably the best example of the FPS genre on mobile.
What’s New: v 2.3.0g
NEW CLASS – THE X1-Morph: First Female Playable Character. A deadly assassin that takes the appearance of any other class.
8 New X1-Morph Weapons – 7 Tiers of devastating weapons and 1 Prestige weapon that will make the difference in any battle.
3 New Prestige Weapons – Now all classes have their full arsenal up for the grabs.
Xmas Content – Christmas comes bearing gifts! Find the new Xmas decorations, destroy them and get handsomely rewarded.
What’s In The MOD APK:
Requires Android: 4.0 and Up
Version: 2.3.0g
Download Links:
Install APK,Download data directly from game and play.
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