Weekly "who's hiring" thread!

Weekly "who's hiring" thread!

Weekly "who's hiring" thread!

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 06:32 AM PDT

Looking for Android developers? Heard about a cool job posting? Let people know!

Here is a suggested posting template:

Company: <The company>
Job: <Title>
Location: <City, State, Country>
Allows remote: <Yes/No>
URL: <Link to the listing URL>
VISA: <Yes/No>

Feel free to include any other information about the job.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Questions Thread - June 13, 2016

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 05:11 AM PDT

This thread is for simple questions that don't warrant their own thread (although we suggest checking the sidebar, the wiki, or Stack Overflow before posting). Examples of questions:

  • How do I pass data between my Activities?
  • Does anyone have a link to the source for the AOSP messaging app?
  • Is it possible to programmatically change the color of the status bar without targeting API 21?

Important: Downvotes are strongly discouraged in this thread. Sorting by new is strongly encouraged.

Large code snippets don't read well on reddit and take up a lot of space, so please don't paste them in your comments. Consider linking Gists instead.

Have a question about the subreddit or otherwise for /r/androiddev mods? We welcome your mod mail!

Looking for all the Questions threads? Want an easy way to locate today's thread? Click this link!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Two weeks ago I decided to start learning Java and make an Android app

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 11:32 AM PDT

Hi All,

Thought I would share my story as I'm this close to adding my app to the Play Store (see gif below). So about two weeks ago I decided to develop an app, without knowing any Java or native coding I downloaded Android studio and dived in deep.

The app connects to a database server and pulls 'Premfaces' from premfaces.com, the premfaces are organised by different categories and are easily searchable. The main raison d'etre of the app is to easily find and share premfaces, there are action buttons that a) copy the direct link of the premface to clipboard b) copy the direct link of the premface using IMG tags (for forums) and c) share intents, basically share anywhere (WhatsApp, Facebook, etc).

I have someone making me a proper logo to use for both the website and the app itself, once I get that it should be ready for primetime. I then have a list of features for the next few versions like register and login (connects to the database API), favorite/like premfaces, vote and comments. All of these features are already availble through the website today.

It's been so much fun learning, endless sleepless nights always pushing an inch forward. I have no idea what it's like to develop and app for iPhone but Android development is pretty accessible, there are tutorials everywhere.

Main challenges:

  • Understanding the concept of an adapter versus a fragment or an activity.
  • Integrating app calls to the database server (authentication, SQL queries, etc).
  • Bitmaps and how to manipulate bitmaps inside onClick (removing transparency, adding canvas, etc).
  • Android studio built-in examples are really though to understand at first.
  • Appbar, actionbar, navigation drawer.. This should all be more streamlined.
  • Gradle and build times, my laptop with 4 gigs is killing me.

Here is what it roughly looks like, thanks for reading!


submitted by /u/saren_p
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Easily group RxJava Observables together and tie them to your Android Activity lifecycle

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 10:39 PM PDT

What’s new in Firebase Cloud Messaging and how to migrate from GCM

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 11:35 AM PDT

How essential is advertising in getting your apps seen on the store?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 11:38 AM PDT

Sorry if this doesn't belong here -- this is more a question about releasing an application than about developing one. I'm planning on spending a lot of time this Summer learning about Android development and releasing some games. Is advertisement a must to really get a game seen by people? Should I expect to have to advertise my games to get any downloads, considering I am just starting out and have nothing on the market yet?

I'm by no means expecting to really make much money off of anything I release, but it would be nice to know if I can expect to get any downloads without running ad campaigns.

Edit: Changed wording a bit.

submitted by /u/Cheesus515
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Just want to thank the Android Studio team for the amazing work they're doing

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 08:24 PM PDT

I just wanted to take a second to thank the AS team. They're doing some pretty outstanding work and as a developer who used to be forced into using Eclipse for android development, I'm so happy with what AS has turned into. This latest 2.2 release is proving to be one of the best updates yet, in my eyes. The Test Recorder is such an incredibly handy feature. I had some problems with it at first due to a bug in its gradle parser (and my build.gradle not being totally compliant), but the team helped diagnose and resolve the issue in just a couple days.

I'm super excited to finally have 1st party support for tools like the test recorder that can help make it simple for indie devs like myself to be able to automate tasks as tedious and time-consuming as instrumentation testing. In just a couple hours I now have a slew of UI tests that I can hook up to my jenkins box in the basement and forget about, rest assured that any future changes I make that break something I'll be immediately alerted to. That's just awesome tech right there.

So thanks, AS team, for being awesome.

submitted by /u/b1ackcat
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You're using OkHttp wrong (same thing with Volley, Picasso, Retrofit, Fresco et al.)

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 08:28 PM PDT

You Asked, We Answer - AOSP Build Times on AMD Processors

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 08:28 AM PDT

What is everyone using for app servers with FCM/GCM?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 02:47 PM PDT

I have been integrating with Firebase lately, and am very happy. I now want to trigger a message to user A based on a request by user B.

What is the best way to implement the app server part of this process? I have used AWS SNS in the past, and while it is nice that it is free, I still would need a server to send the request to SNS (I don't think I would want to include the AmazonSNSClient in my app).

Are there any free implementations out that that I haven't found? Should I just spin something up myself? What is everyone else here using?

submitted by /u/Innova
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Where to find updated app building tutorials?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 11:34 AM PDT

Hi, I just started learning android studio starting from near-0 programming experience. The biggest difficulty I have encountered is the lack of updated guides and tutorial.

On youtube even tutorials that came out in late 2015-early 2016 are outdated and I can't seems to find a reliable AS course.

I tried to follow a tutorial on androidhive about building a simple app but I get countless errors while building so I let that go.

Can you point me to some guides that preferably focus on building a functioning app rather than showing how AS works?

submitted by /u/shameless_cunt
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We should make a compilation of annoying behavior in Android Studio

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 05:50 AM PDT

Taken one at a time, no one particular thing makes development harder. It's the collection of various awkward behaviors in IDE's and API's that lead to frustration. Stuff that you can't quite describe, and neither can others so that when you google for it you find nothing.

What do you find annoying in Android Studio? Perhaps the development team will see this and do something.

Here's a few I run into pretty much everyday, I'm sure most do too:

  • When you hover over a tab or an icon in the menu bar, a tooltip pops up that doesn't go away and hides other buttons behind it. So, I constantly have to keep moving my mouse because I didn't go around the minefield of tooltips to actually get to the action I want.
  • Make a package 'a'. Put another package 'b' inside it. It automatically becomes 'a.b'. Wtf? Maybe I wanted to put some stuff in 'a' and some other in 'b'. Like if I wanted 'a.b' don't you think I would've thought to type 'a.b' myself?
  • Half the custom views from github don't render in the preview. How about we get an option to skip some views? Just do your best and just put a blank gray area or something for problematic views. If there's one error in one view in the entire layout, I have to basically code blindly and restart the app over and over to see what the layout looks like.
  • How about warnings in the official javadoc about weird behavior? For eg: Initialize a seekbar in XML to 0, but you also happen to rely on the SeekBarListener to do some stuff. If the seekbar's already at 0, calling setProgress(0) doesn't do anything, doesn't even call the listener. How about a little warning text in the javadoc so I don't have to spend an hour googling and turning my code upside down.
submitted by /u/devandro
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What percent of interview questions are Android-specific, and what percent are algorithmic?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 10:10 PM PDT

Obviously I'm not looking for an actual specific percentage here. I'm been working as an Android dev full time for a year now, and haven't interviewed anywhere in 2.5 years since I was an intern at the company I currently work for and was given the offer based on output as an intern.

Say you interview for an Android Engineer/Developer position. Do you hit the "Cracking the Coding Interview" hard to study algorithmic and data-structure based questions, or do you start your google search for "Android interview questions" to brush up on more Android-specific info? I am assuming any interview would have both, but which is there more emphasis on?

I feel like every single resource I've come across either specifically addresses coding questions such as those coming out of Cracking the Coding Interview, or addresses only Android questions, never both.

submitted by /u/AggieDev
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Discussion & Questions regarding to API levels, Google Play multi apk feature and long-term development

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 09:57 PM PDT

Hi, Here is my problem.

In my current side project, I am developing around some new APIs introduced in Lollipop, and also trying to play with material animations and transitions. Almost 70% of my early adopters do have api 20+ devices. So rolling out early for those devices is not a problem.

However I have figured out that I can atleast extend couple of my features to 17+, but that requires some rewrite, and for one core functionality I have to handle api levels manually, which I am planning to do later.

If I ignore backporting for a now, I can have a preview version out in couple of weeks (While working around 5hrs a week). If I have to go for backporting, I have to wait for a month to have atleast one person try the app.

If I role out for 20+ and have to backport later I am entering in Multi Apk mode on Google Play, having 2 apks (One for 20+ and other for 19 and below) to maintain. That means updating the fixes for 19 and below will force me to bump version for 20+ for nothing.

How can (or should) I handle this situation when I will be able to reach to users quickly while supporting as many devices as I can. Without having to face problem in maintenance.

Here are the options I have in mind. But for me nothing works ideally.

  • Using Gradle Flavors (Maintenance will be easiy, but 19+ will have a problem, )

  • Using alternative distribution channels for 20+ while I am done with properly merging 19+ code. (Handling updates will be nightmare, some of the early adopters may not participate)

  • Using Alpha & Beta channels

How would you solved it if you have faced this problem? Or what can be your strategies to tackle this problem...

submitted by /u/lordVader1138
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How do I escape from this "developer's block"?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 12:54 PM PDT

Hi, I'm a computer engineering student and wanna be a professional software engineer / developer of some sort. I've this idea to develop an app (+ a library) for like eight months.

But the thing is, I'm all about quality. I research with things a lot. And I'm lazy. For example: past six months I've been learning about architecture, testing, RxJava, documentation, library etc. which are all related to my unborn project. After I learned about MVP, I could start my project. But I started learning about testing right away. Because you need to write them from the beginning, right? I never wrote a single line of actual code of my app within that time.

So, my situation is, I keep learning things for my app but never got to try them. It's really frustrating. You could say, well, just start the damn project and worry about the complexity later. But actually I did that on a previous little project of mine. And I really hated the experience. It's like a blind man searching his way through a busy road.

So, if you are an experienced developer what do you suggest? How do I proceed? How do I learn, plan, develop and manage at the same time? Remember, I'm not a dedicated developer. I've studies, works, assignments etc. for my university. Thank you.

submitted by /u/ni554n
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Hey AndroidDev! What city do you live in and what is your occupation?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 01:36 PM PDT

Hello! I figured a "meet and greet" type thread would be great to show the diverse occupations users hold here as well as location.

For me at least, I'm currently in Juneau Alaska working as a programmer. I'm at the moment working on my first Android application and have been strongly considering relocating to the lower 48 in a tech/startup oriented location so I can learn more and meet others that share the same interest/passion. Hopefully by the end of this thread, I as well as you all can learn a bit more about different occupations and link up. I'm am very excited to find this community so lets get this rolling :)

submitted by /u/VedderPlet
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What exactly does the timber library do?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 01:05 AM PDT


Behavior is added through Tree instances. You can install an instance by calling Timber.plant. Installation of Trees should be done as early as possible. The onCreate of your application is the most logical choice.

What behavior?

This is a logger with a small, extensible API which provides utility on top of Android's normal Log class.

What more does it provide on top of Android's Log?

The DebugTree implementation will automatically figure out from which class it's being called and use that class name as its tag. Since the tags vary, it works really well when coupled with a log reader like Pidcat.

What is DebugTree?

There are no Tree implementations installed by default because every time you log in production, a puppy dies.

Again, what is a tree implementation? What does it do? And how do I stop killing puppies?

Two easy steps:

  1. Install any Tree instances you want in the onCreate of your application class.
  2. Call Timber's static methods everywhere throughout your app.

Two easy steps for accomplishing what?

None of this has been explained in the Readme. It's pretty much a description for someone who already knows what it is :/

submitted by /u/devandro
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Has anyone attended DroidCons?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 12:34 PM PDT

I was in SF this year, liked it much. Is anyone planning to attend some of the upcoming droidcons? In Berlin, Vienna, London, maybe?

submitted by /u/GeneralVimes
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Filter users based on their interests

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 03:31 PM PDT

Hello! I'm in the midst of creating an app where a user should be able to find other users based on what they enter in the interest input box. For eg: If a user enters 'books', he should be directed to the index page which lists all other users who have added 'books' in their personal info page. Should I use firebase or some other backend service? I have experience in php and ruby on rails and meteor for web apps. It doesn't have to be native android. You could refer me to a resource which uses ionic, react native or meteor mobile to implement this functionality.

submitted by /u/spd69
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API Question: Is it possible to build my own soundcloud app using their api? Are there resources you can point me to to accomplish this ?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 06:58 PM PDT


I'm new to app building and the first app I'd like to make is a clone/"upgraded" SoundCloud app for android, and I was wondering if it is possible. Are there resources you can point me to that will help with either a music player, soundcloud api, how to use api's etc, that would be awesome.

Thank You

submitted by /u/ra159
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Simple Tutorial on How to Create an Android App

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 06:48 PM PDT

Puzzle game in Android

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 06:43 PM PDT

Hi friends, how I can develop a game puzzle in this style?


Thank you all.

submitted by /u/jaketheyellow
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Fragmented Podcast 045 -Bluetooth LE with Dave Smith (devunwired)

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 04:36 AM PDT

What is the best resource for getting to grips with common ways in which code is abstracted in Android apps?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 01:06 PM PDT

Hello everyone,

I'm looking for a reference to a good resource for learning Android app development basically. In particular, at the moment I am looking at OpenGL ES 2.0 for 3D graphics applications on Android. As the title of this post says, what I'd mainly be interested in reading about, are the ways in which code is abstracted in Apps. I'm facing a problem at the moment where I can look up 'OpenGLES2.0 android tutorial' but all the articles I can find will go through how to draw a triangle, and then texture it, and then maybe add some lighting, but they finish at that. All the code is placed in a couple of methods and it is all just done in one big streak - this would be useless when trying to develop an actual app that might end up on the PlayStore! Just a list of function calls, that get you to a triangle.

I'm looking for something that goes into more depth about things like encapsulation, or de-coupling of code in apps. Perhaps common ways in which people creating apps today do things - this would present a much more solid framework on which to plan an app, rather than a linear list that will only get you a triangle. As I said earlier, I am specifically looking at OpenGLES2.0 at the moment, but common practices when making apps in general would be beneficial.

I hope I've expressed my issue clearly - it feels like I messed up the explanation somehow! And sorry if this sort of post isn't allowed: I considered it as a style/practice/general sort of request, rather than the StackOverflow-style, specific error questions that aren't allowed here.

Any direction to a good resource/info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

submitted by /u/DaPlayerNinetyNine
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How do you use the Android IAP Billing v3 library?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 04:27 PM PDT

I'm trying to use this library for in app purchases but nobody is able to help.

I'm trying to consume a one time purchase when a button is clicked but I don't understand where to put those methods shown in the link, do I put them in their own class then instantiate that class or do I put them in the class with the button?

Thanks for the help!

submitted by /u/kaio37k
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Is Android In-App Billing v3 Library the best alternative to Google's IAP implementation?

Posted: 13 Jun 2016 03:13 PM PDT

I could not figure out how to add IAP's with Google however I was recommended this library, anyone have any experience with it?

Here's the library

submitted by /u/kaio37k
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