Questions Thread - May 25, 2016

Questions Thread - May 25, 2016

Questions Thread - May 25, 2016

Posted: 25 May 2016 05:07 AM PDT

This thread is for simple questions that don't warrant their own thread (although we suggest checking the sidebar, the wiki, or Stack Overflow before posting). Examples of questions:

  • How do I pass data between my Activities?
  • Does anyone have a link to the source for the AOSP messaging app?
  • Is it possible to programmatically change the color of the status bar without targeting API 21?

Important: Downvotes are strongly discouraged in this thread. Sorting by new is strongly encouraged.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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13,949 Commits and 6,148 Closed Issues Later: Thank You for Helping Realm Reach 1.0

Posted: 25 May 2016 06:22 AM PDT

My Android app makes ~5k/month but I'm worried?

Posted: 25 May 2016 01:37 PM PDT

2 years ago I quit my 200k/year job to follow my passion. After failing with a few mobile apps, one of my Android apps took off and it's now generating enough money for me to live off of.

I'm using that income to focus on next projects, but reading here about getting banned from the Play Store for unclear/unknown reasons makes me worried. What's even worse is after the ban, we are left with automated responses.

Hope this is the right place for my post, but wanted to see if there are any other devs on the same boat as me? How do you overcome this fear?

EDIT: Anyone here works at Google Play Team and willing to take a look at my app and let me know if it violates anything? I've gone through all developer policies, but still want to just be sure.

submitted by /u/swiftdev11
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ConstraintLayout 101 & the new Layout Builder in Android Studio

Posted: 25 May 2016 10:02 PM PDT

Okay, so how many of you have used the "I'm a developer" excuse whenever your girlfriend/wife/friends keep asking you why you keep buying a new phone every 6 months?

Posted: 25 May 2016 10:59 AM PDT

Or is it just me? lol

I feel like a junkie needing a fix every time a new phone comes out with xyz new features that all the tech reviewers keep raving about. :(

submitted by /u/jcbsera
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Bring your Android app to Android TV in minutes - Google I/O 2016

Posted: 25 May 2016 04:13 PM PDT

What would happen if the Android Studio and and Intellij teams joined together?

Posted: 25 May 2016 06:06 PM PDT

Android Studio is based on Jetbrain's Intellij community edition. Each time there is a release to Android Studio, because it is based on an older version of Intellij, it doesn't have all the new features that the new Intellij Idea contains. The same thing can be said about Intellij Idea's latest version. It doesn't have everything contained in the latest version of Android Studio.

I'm not saying that the two should really join together but rather asking what would be advantages/disadvantages if they both worked together? Why aren't they already?

submitted by /u/hamidsafdari
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A Helpful Site for Testing Deeplinks

Posted: 25 May 2016 12:24 PM PDT

Hey there fellow Android devs.

I have often been tasked with testing out deeplinks after implementing them to see if they are working properly.

You can of course test them out using ADB, and sometimes even just by typing the url into your browser. But there are times where your deep links might look a little something like this


or something similar. When you type this into Chrome, Google will perform a search. Which is not what you want.

I created this very simple site which will allow you to test deeplinks quickly and avoid this problem. It is also an ideal site to hand off to QA or Project managers so that they can test without having to deal with ADB

Enjoy, and let me know if you have any feedback!

submitted by /u/Jawnnypoo
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Getting Ready for ChromeOS - The CommonsBlog

Posted: 25 May 2016 06:41 AM PDT

How can I effectively view and query data on firebase from the browser?

Posted: 25 May 2016 10:13 PM PDT


I have used Parse in the past but I now want to move to firebase. In Parse, you can view all your data on the web as tables, and you can query that data. On Firebase, it seems all my data is stored in a giant json structure. That's fine with me. However, it seems that is also the way all my data is actually presented to me and I don't see any way to query my data. Is this a massive shortcoming of firebase or am I missing something? Say I had 100000 users in firebase, how the hell can I find that user and view that user's properties?

submitted by /u/theheartbreakpug
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Is appodeal really good as they claim?

Posted: 25 May 2016 09:17 PM PDT

I've been using admob for my app since the beginning and have been getting below average results so I've been thinking of trying new ad networks.

I've seen some reviews about appodeal optimisation and some of them seem too good to be true. There is also talks about it being a scam and admob account being suspended after using appodeal.

So is it legit and how much revenue difference you saw switching from admob.

Can anyone help me out here.


submitted by /u/house_monkey
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Anyone ever get contacted by "TheAppSell" to sell one of their apps?

Posted: 25 May 2016 12:19 PM PDT

I received a copy/paste spam email from someone at "TheAppSell" for a (pretty bad) app I made that happened to get >100,000 downloads.

Anyone ever get contacted by them before? I mean, it's probably a scam, but my app has tapered off in revenue so maybe it's worth a shot to see what they say, ya know, if they are legit.

My googling so far hasn't yielded much results.

edit: searched more, still seems shady; maybe flippa is the place for me..

submitted by /u/pjhollow
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my knowledge graph for android dev and all

Posted: 24 May 2016 11:26 PM PDT

when you want to learn something, you should cover or search the following in the internet. a great categorized knowledge graph will help you pick up new knowledger and encourage you to understand the underlying mechanism.this is from my notes for coding.

I explore new technology or frameworks mainly from these sites:

  • Reddit
  • Medium
  • Github Explore
  • The most painful and troublesome thing during my coding life is forgetting something i have learned and have no choice but to waste it again and again
  • my english is not good, so currently there are only titles and i will enrich them step by step.

The github repo is:

When you want to learn new programming language:C++/Java/JavaScript/PHP/Swift/Rust/Go... Introduction Version Iteration Comments & Code Splitting Modules & NameSpace Reference Tutorials & Docs Quick Start Installation Builder & Dependence Manager Deployment IDE Data Structure Variable & Constant Scope Assignment Pass-by-Reference VS Pass-by-Value Continuous Assignment Destructuring Assignment Copy Composite Data Types TypeChecking & Transform Runtime TypeChecking Basic Numeric Random Number Scientific Evaluation Null Boolean Optional Enum String Create&Insert&Delete Index&Iteration Format&Encode Others Struct Indexed Collection:Array/List/Set Create&Insert&Delete Index&Iteration Format&Encode Others Keyed Collection:Map/Turple Create&Insert&Delete Index&Iteration Format&Encode Others Immutable Serialization JSON CSV XML Control Flow & Error Handling Operator Basic Logic Overload Branch if switch Loop for for-in for-of forEach Control breaker/continue anchor Iterator Generator/yield Exception Handling Error Throw Try-Catch-Finally Function Definition Return Value Functional Variable Invoke/Call Default Params & External Params Indefinite Params Anonymous Function / Lambda / Closures Decorator Currying & unCurrying Network NetworkManagement Reachability Socket HttpClient RPC/RMI Storage Cache Database KeyValue Redis Relational ORM Sharding Support FileSystem FileSystem-Monitor Archives TestRelease Debug Monitor Test TestRunner Assert Mock&Stuv Log Release Package SysProc AOP Concurrence Thread Asynchronous Pattern Data Flow Reactice Synchronous Lock Atomic Data visibility Built-in ThreadSafe DataStructure Collections Advanced Generic Memory Management Code Style & Conventions Algorithms When you want to learn Client-Side development:iOS/Android/Hybrid/WebAPP Language Objective-C Swift Dart Java Network NetworkManagement Reachability Socket HttpClient URL Encode & Analysis Request Manage Parallel Request HTTPStubs/MockServer FileTransfer Uploads Download Push WebSocket RPC JSON JSON Object Mapper FlatBuffer MsgPack Storage DataBase CoreData SQLite Realm File Props Resources Widgets FileBrowser FileReader Memory/Cache/ClipBoard SysProc Components Communication EventBus Concurrence Thread Promise Service Daemon System RunTime/Device Detection Deeplink Permission TestRelease Debug Log Monitor Release Signature Ad-hoc/AppStore Confusion Update Test TestRunner Test Utils Assert Mock End To End Test & Integration Test Multi-RunTime Test Screenshot & Comparison External Test Optimization Plugin & Dynamic Patch & Hot Fix APM Rating Analytics Crash Reporter UI Components Layout & Position Layout Constraints Position Absolute Relative Flex Liner Layout Management AutoLayout/Responsive Container ScrollView ScrollControl RefreshLayout/PullToRefresh Page-Based Scroll/Slider NavigationView TabBarView Router Interaction Event&Gesture Event Bind Click/Tap/Touch Cover Event Dispatcher Gesture Recognizer Multiple Touch Drag&Drop Scroll Zoom Shake Media Camera Audio Video WebRTC Sensor FingerPrint Pedometer UI-Widgets Dialog Modal Dialog Popup HUD Tooltip Popover Empty/Error Action Sheet Indicator Introduction Splash Guide/Tour Login/Register About DateTimer TimeLine CountDown Calendar Progress ProgressBar Liner ProgressBar Sticky Circular ProgressBar ProgressBackground Loading Pagination Steppers Text Rich Text MarkDown TypeSet Code Style Animation TypeWriter In-Out Carousel NumberMorph Font Label Icon Tags Badge Picker KeyBoard KeyBoard Event KeyBoard Panel KeyBoadrPanel Switcher Button FAB SpreadButton Like/Zan Menu Toolbar/StatusBar Select Search Segment Toggle/Switch Ratio Button Check Transfer Text TextEditor AutoComplete @Mention Plugin Specific Format Animation Expand FloatingLabel DataTimerPicker LockView Password Gesture TableGrid List Animation Interaction SwiperItem Folding Sortable Grid DataGrid Cascading CardView SearchView Gallery ImageView Load Responsive Gifs Filter Label Sticker Crop HoverEffect PhotoBrowser album Carousel Waterfall Focus Single Carousel WebView Native Interaction Cordova Integration DVisual Graphics Color Avatar&Emoij Sketch/Drawing Style&Theme Filter Chart Map Barcode Flow Slide Animation Animation Framework KeyFrame Property Animation Collection View Transition Rotate Flip When you want to learn Server-Side development:SpringMVC/Rails/Laravel/Express Introduction Quick Start Installation Generator Dependence Management Deployment Application LifeCycle Configuration Multiple Modules Route Global Configuration Controller Request Session Response Pagination Model Relational Database ORM MySQL Oracle SQLServer PostgreSQL NoSQL Mongodb Cache Redis Memcache View Template Middleware Auth Log Service IoC/DI Test Concurrence&Async Queue When you want to learn DataScience:MachineLearning/NLP/DeepLearning/Statistic Methodology DataProcess MachineLearning ANN Clustering Regression SVM NLP PatternMatch SentimentAnalysis TopicModel Word2Vec Library ClusterComputing MLib Madout Java Weka Deeplearning4j MATLAB Python Scikit Tensorflow R Application Classification CommunityDetection Personas Recognition RecommendSystem When I want to learn Infrastructure:Distributed System/OM/Cloud&Big Data/Storage/Visualization Distributed Computing Environment Batch Hadoop Spark Architecture GraphX Streaming Flink Storm SparkStreaming Distributed ClusterScheduler Distributed Model Synchronization Atomic Consistency Lock RPC Dubbo gRPC Motan Thrift Message Oriented System JobScheduler Disque ActiveMQ AWS-SQS Kafka RabbitMQ ZeroMQ ServiceCoordination Operation & Maintain Configuration Ansible AWS-OpsWorks Chef Puppet ContinuousDelivery LoadBalancing HAProxy LVS MonitorAnalytic Performance Log ELK Flume Security Sentry Storage Cache DataBase ColumnOriented Document Graph KeyValue Relational Kudu MySQL Oracle SQL SQLServer DataWareHouse ETL ObjectStorage BlockStorage RAID DistributedFS BFS fastDFS GridFS HDFS MogileFS TFS ImageServer InMemory LocalFS NetworkFS Virtualization Container Docker OpenStack SandBox Hypervisor Vmware Xen Network AccessControl Firewalls Rate Limit CDN Protocol HTTP HTTP2 HTTPS TCPIP When you want to learn Information Security:Mobile Security/ComputerForensics/PenetrationTesting/Reinforce ComputerForensic Cryptology MobileSecurity Reinforce ReverseEngineering PenetrationTesting Tools Kali Vulns Application DataBase MiddleWare OS Tech Footprinting/Scan/SocialEngineering Exploits DDOS Intranet Penetration Frontend SQL Injection XSS CSRF Wireless 
submitted by /u/wxyyxc1992
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Free Cloud Relational Database for Android App

Posted: 25 May 2016 12:59 PM PDT

I am developing an Android application, and I need this app to communicate with a relational database on the cloud for user authentication and queries on other data. The catch, however, is that it should be free, as I am a college student and am not looking to spend money. The queries will not be too complicated, however it has to be a relational database (tried AWS DynamoDB, a NoSQL database, and it wasn't what I need). I was looking into AWS RDS, however I am not exactly sure if that is what I am looking for, plus that the free period only lasts a year (and I am halfway through mine). Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/Scyphers
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Universal API for Social Media & Android Apps: Facebook, Slack, GitHub, Yahoo & More.

Posted: 25 May 2016 08:33 AM PDT

Should I colaborate with my friends for an android project or work on my own?

Posted: 25 May 2016 10:10 AM PDT

I know two guys who are passionate to start learning java and android development from the ground just to make apps that make money, I am not an experienced developer but I know much of the basics of java and android development (at least a lot more than them) so they invited me to join them to teach them java and collaborate with them to come up with a good app idea and build it together, that sounds exciting and I would love to work with a team but I would want to work with a more experienced team, not beginners , at least a little more or less experienced than me, also I am afraid of possible problems and debates we may face while working together which may result in a wasted time and energy but they say "One hand can't clap" and I may benefit from their suggestions and ideas or their social circle. What do you think guys?

submitted by /u/killua1
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Android Platform Fireside Chat - Google I/O 2016

Posted: 25 May 2016 12:43 AM PDT

#01 Creating new project in Android Studio - ANDROID FOR BEGINNERS - The...

Posted: 25 May 2016 01:16 PM PDT

Making a simple App

Posted: 25 May 2016 12:34 PM PDT

I would like to make a simple app

It will be only one page with a button. Just like this-

You press the button and it plays a one second video clip and then goes back to the button screen.

There are 220 one second video clips. Low quality, probably 240p.

I have no coding experience. I have seen some services that allow laymen like myself to build apps but they have very conventional templates with menus and lots of buttons. Any recommendations?

submitted by /u/wilsonsbrother
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TIL The green Android Mascot has no official name

Posted: 25 May 2016 03:57 PM PDT

Best language to begin Android programming?

Posted: 25 May 2016 10:17 AM PDT

Hey all, so I want to begin mobile development with an Android project and I'm wondering which approach to take. I've done some basic research so I know Java would be the common answer, but I'm wondering if there are circumstances that would make another language the better choice. I've got similar levels of experience with Java, Python and JavaScript, so I was just wondering if there might be a reason to choose one over the other.

Btw, the project is a simple calendar-like application that would access native phone features like alerts/datetime, and use a simple GUI for i/o. I might like to expand on it in the future but for now the application would operate strictly locally.

In addition, could someone point me to some useful tools/libraries/IDE's for mobile development in their preferred language? Any information would be much appreciated!

submitted by /u/tossme0203
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Started Udacity's course. I have trouble understanding Layout and View.

Posted: 25 May 2016 06:30 AM PDT

Not sure if I have weak fundamental or the course doesn't explain very well. I think it is myself because many have gone thru the course....

Should I go for the nano degree? Material wise, are they the same?

submitted by /u/afyaff
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What would you recommend for creating mock-up for apps between Photoshop and Illustrator? And why?

Posted: 25 May 2016 02:44 AM PDT

I am at crossroads here and I cannot seem to decide which option is best for me. Also, I don't have a Mac so 'Sketch' is not an option. I just need something to design an app before I start coding it. I don't have a good knowledge of either of them yet but I have good access to their tutorials and I am not sure which one to learn. Photoshop seems to have more popularity but what are the disadvantages of learning Illustrator instead?

Edit: Also, I usually see PSD files online for use in projects. Can I open a PSD file in illustrator?

submitted by /u/blackashe
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[Legal question] Can you use another app's usage data for your own app?

Posted: 25 May 2016 05:23 AM PDT

I want to make an app that records how much time you spend using another app. Can you use that data without any legal issues? Lets say I record the amount of time you spend on the Facebook app. Do I need special permission for this?

PS I intend to make money out of this app.

submitted by /u/Insomniverse
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