How to Update Xperia Z to Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Tesla Custom ROM.

Sony Xperia Z Tesla custom ROM comes with tons of new features and is based on Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow. A quick list of the main features in Tesla is given below and we are sure you’d love to use this on your Xperia Z:

Night Theme
Layer Commits (Dialer, Contacts, Deskclock…)
German Translate
SuperSU 2.52
TWRP 3.0.x (access through Volume-down)
SuperSU, Kernel Adiutor, Viper4Android, Layer Manager in Settings if installed
Navbar customization
Network Traffic
Breathing Notifications
Lockscreen Shortcuts
System Animationen
Power Menu Animtation
LCD Dencity
Ambient Display
Kill App Back Button
App Circle Bar
Volume Steps
Unlinking Ringer with Notification Volume
‘Do not disturb’ add 15 min Steps and up to 14 Hours
Increasing Ring Volume
Notification Light
Volume Rocker Wake
Less Notification Sound
Reset Battery Stats
Configurable dashboard columns
Dashboard tileview double lines toggle
Volume Long Press Skip Tracks
Optional Dashboard switches
StatusBar Clock Font Size
Statusbar Clock Font Style
Second Clock
Battery Style
Carrier Label
Tesla Logo in Statusbar
Screen Record
Intrusive InCall UI switch
Quick Settings: add option to turn off main tiles
Deskclock: increasing volume option for alarm clocks, flip and shake actions
Flip to Mute/Reject Call
Proximity speaker
On the go Mode....

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÷ Prerequisites:

•This tutorial is only for installing Android 6.0.1 Tesla ROM on Sony Xperia Z. Please do not try on any other Xperia Z variants.

•Your phone should be rooted and haveClockworkMod recovery installed from before.This tutorial will wipe out all your data.Proceed at your own risk

•Perform a Dalvik Cache wipe before proceeding from the recovery mode.

•Sony PC Companion will NOT detect your phone after installing this ROM because it is a custom firmware.

•Make sure you backup all your data in your phone before proceeding.


Android Custom ROM fix ® provide various Firmware Updates and Rooting process along with Custom ROM,Modes,file are all belong  to their owners/developers. The autor of this site or the developers are not responsible,  if you damage or brick your device.Do it on your own risk and follow the instruction properly.

* Important:

Backup important files stored on your device before proceeding with the steps below, so that in case something goes wrong you’ll have backup of all your important files.

÷ How to Update Xperia Z to Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Tesla Custom ROM:

Step 1 – Download Android 6.0.1 Tesla ROM and Google Apps for Xperia Z to your computer.

Step 2 – Connect and mount your Xperia Z USB memory on your computer using the USB cable.

Step 3 – Now copy/paste the downloadedAndroid 6.0.1 ROM zip file and Google Appszip files to your SD card. Make sure the files are in the SD card root (not in any folder).

Step 4 – Then turn OFF your phone and disconnect from the USB cable.

Step 5 – Now to get in the Recovery Mode. Switch ON the phone while pressing and holding Volume Up + Home + Power buttons together.

Step 6 – Once you are in ClockworkModRecovery, select perform a full data wipe by selecting “wipe data/factory reset”. Use the Power button to select everything while in the Recovery Mode.

Step 7 – Then, perform a cache wipe by selecting “wipe cache partition” .

Step 8 – Now this is optional, but it is recommended to perform a wipe of your dalvik cache as well. You will not get into boot loops or any other errors. From CWM recovery, go to ‘advanced’ and then select “wipe dalvik cache”.

Step 9 – Then go back to the main recovery screen and select “install zip from SD card”.

Step 10 – Now select “choose zip from sdcard”. Using your volume keys, navigate to the Android 6.0.1 ROM zip file that you copied to your SD card and select it using the Power button. Confirm the installation on the next screen and the installation procedure should start now.

Google Apps: Repeat the above step for the Gapps zip file as well and install it on your phone.

Step 11 – After the installation completes, go to “+++++Go Back+++++” and reboot the phone by selecting “reboot system now” from the recovery menu.

Your Xperia Z will boot now and it might take about 5 minutes to boot on your first time. So, please wait.

That’s it! Your Xperia Z should now have Android 6.0.1 Tesla Marshmallow custom ROM installed on your phone! Go to Settings > About phone to verify.

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