How to Update Sony Xperia ZR With Official CM12.1 Nightly Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

Tremendous news for Sony Xperia ZR Owners Now they can Download Official CM12.1 Nightly Android 5.1.1 Lollipop ROM ( stable) and install the ROM via custom Recovery Such as TWRP .

Follow our guide below to download the CM12.1 ROM and install it yourself.

The ROM is currently in nightly and that means there will be few bugs present but don’t worry you will receive updates every day which will fix those bugs.

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 ÷ Prerequisites:

This official CM 12.1 Nightly Android 5.1.1 Lollipop  is only  for  Xperia ZR  don't try it on other Xperia  flagship .

•Warranty may be void of your device if you follow the procedures given on this page.

• You Phone should be Rooted & have The latest version of a custom recovery (CWM or TWRP) installed on your phone.

•Make sure there is at least 80% battery left on your smartphone before begin this process.


Android Custom ROM fix ® provide various Firmware Updates and Rooting process along with Custom ROM,Modes,file are all belong  to their owners/developers. The autor of this site or the developers are not responsible,  if you damage or brick your device.Do it on your own risk and follow the instruction properly.

* Important:

Backup important files stored on your device before proceeding with the steps below, so that in case something goes wrong you’ll have backup of all your important files.

÷ How to Update Sony Xperia ZR With Official CM12.1 Nightly Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

 Download  Xperia ZR Official Nightly CM12.1 Android 5.1.1 Lollipop Custom ROM  and Google Apps.

Step 1. Make sure that you have unlocked bootloader of your Xperia ZR. If not, then do that first.

Step 2. Also make sure that you have installed a custom recovery like TWRP on your device. TWRP recovery is required to be able to install CM13 ROM.

Step 3. Download the CM13 ROM and gapps file from above.

Step 4. Connect your device to PC and transfer the ROM and gapps file to it. Disconnect the device then. Remember the location of the files.

Step 5. Boot your Xperia ZR into recovery mode. If you are rooted, you can use Quick Boot app from play store. To manually boot into recovery mode, do this:

Power off the device. Wait for 4-5 seconds after screen goes off.Now, power on the device using power button and then be sure to press the volume up or down key repeatedly once you see LED light blinking on the device.

You will enter recovery mode soon, and should see TWRP recovery. If you see android with exclamation mark, or 3e recovery, then you need to install TWRP recovery for this.

Step 6. [Optional] Once in TWRP, create a backup of your device. Tap on Backup, and then select all the partitions for back. Now do the swipe action at bottom to start creating a backup for emergency cases. This backup is really a lifesaver!

Step 7. Do a Factory Reset. On TWRP’s main screen, tap on Wipe, and then do the Swipe action bottom to confirm it.

Step 8. Now, install the ROM file. On TWRP’s homescreen, tap on Install, and then locate the ROM file and tap on it. Then do the Swipe action at bottom to begin flashing the update.

Step 9. Tap on Home button to go back. Now, install the Gapps the same way you installed Marshmallow ROM on your Xperia ZR.

Step 10. When it’s done, tap on Reboot system button to restart the device.

That’s all; now CM 12.1 Nighty should run smoothly on your Sony Xperia ZR  and you can therefore experience the Android 5.1.1  Lollipop OS on your own device. Enjoy.

Best regards.

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